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US tank and troops in Monte San Biagio, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US tank and troops train their weapons on trapped Germans. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5498."...
US soldiers take cover in a field in Monte San Biagio, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US soldiers take cover in a field. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5549." Official caption on reverse...
Wounded US soldier is evacuated in Cisterna, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Wounded US soldier is evacuated on a litter by comrades. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5552-6."...
US battalion soldiers rest in a field near Cisterna, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US battalion soldiers rest in a field. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-5649." Official caption on...
Demonstration of artillery weapon in Cecina, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Demonstration of artillery weapon. Official caption on reverse: "7 July 1944 MM-5-44-7404 / Fifth Army,...
US Secretary of War travels through countryside in a jeep, Cecina, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US Secretary of War travels through countryside in a jeep. Official caption on reverse: "6 July 1944 MM-5-...
US artillery troops bombard enemy positions, Italy, 1944
Photograph. US artillery troops bombard enemy positions. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-9965." Official caption on...
Archbishop gives Communion in the field, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Archbishop gives Communion in the field. Official caption on front: "MM-5-44-7891." Official caption on...
View of Italian mountain Volturno River Valley, Italy
Slide. View from field of Italian mountain. Volturno Valley hills are mined. From box originally labeled "No. [...
1st Armored Division rendezvous point, Italy
Photograph. Armored vehicles carrying United States Army soldiers meeting in a field. Official caption on front: "1st...