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Soldiers marching with gas masks during training exercises in California on 25 February 1944
733. US servicemen marching while wearing gas masks during training exercises. '2-25-44. Hussey. F Co. with gas masks...
66th Infantry Regiment coming down firebreak trail at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 14 March 1944
1808. '3-14-44. Von Stroheim. 66th Inf 71st Div coming down firebreak trail. This march took them 8 hours to complete...
66th Infantry Regiment coming down firebreak trail at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 14 March 1944
1809. '3-14-44. Von Stroheim. 66th Inf 71st Div coming down firebreak trail. This march took them 8 hours to complete...
66th Infantry Regiment coming down firebreak trail at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 14 March 1944
1810. '3-14-44. Von Stroheim. 66th Inf 71st Div crossing meadow after coming down firebreak trail. This march took them...
66th Infantry Regiment after coming down firebreak trail at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 14 March 1944
1811. '3-14-44. Von Stroheim. 1st Bn 66th Inf 71st Div. Long shot of men taking break at bottom of firebreak trail at...
66th Infantry Regiment after coming down firebreak trail at Hunter Leggitt Military Reservation in California on 14 March 1944
1812. '3-14-44. Von Stroheim. Men of 1st Bn 66th Inf 71st Div. just after taking a break. They have been marching since...
353rd Infantry Regiment carrying rations at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 23 March 1944
1886. '3-23-44. Ecklund. These men of 353 Inf Regt are each carrying one case of 'C' Rations weighing 40 lbs out of...
549th Ordnance marching out of Ordnance shop to company area at San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1036. '3-29-44. Griggs. 549th Ordnance marching out of Ordnance shop to company area; Camp San Luis Obispo, California...