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Italian workmen preparing rigging for dredging earth as a result of Allied bombings in Italy in December 1944
"7 Dec. 44. 5/MM-44-31173. Fifth Army, Italy. Against a background of crumbled steel bridge spanning Darsena Vecchia...
Italian girls working at a British gas depot in Italy in November 1944
409.Photograph. Italian girls working at a British gas depot in Italy; all are pouring gasoline from portable tanks...
Italian girls working at a British gas depot in Italy in November 1944
410.Photograph. Italian girls working at a British gas depot in Italy; a British soldier of the 19th Petrol Depot is...
Italian girls working at a British gas depot in Italy on 10 November 1944
412.Photograph. Italian girls working at a British gas depot in Italy; Indian soldier in foreground also employed at...
Italian civilian road worker employed by the A.M.G. in Italy in December 1944
534.Photograph. '30 Dec 44. 5/MM-44-32625. Fifth Army, Italy. Italian civilian worker, Guccini Adelmo of Monte Acuto...
Italian civilians employed by Allied Military Government to work on roads in Italy in 30 December 1944
555.Photograph. ' 30 Dec 1944. 5/MM-44-32623. Fifth Army, Italy. Italian civilians employed by Fifth Army A.M.G. [...
Workers building truck engines on an assembly line, Italy, 1945
Photograph. Workers building truck engines on an assembly line in a factory. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/16/45--Fiat...