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European Theater of Operations (ETO) (5)
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Crematorium ovens in Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. Opened crematorium ovens. Personal caption on reverse: "9. A view of the crematory. It needs no explanation...
Crematorium ovens in Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. Opened crematorium ovens. Personal caption on reverse: "10. Another view of the furnaces in the crematory...
Human remains inside a crematorium oven oin Buchenwald concentration camp, Weimar, 1945
Photograph. Skeletal remains inside a crematorium oven. Personal caption on reverse: "11. A close-up view showing part...
Dachau concentration camp crematorium, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Dachau concentration camp crematorium after liberation of the camp; a US soldier stands between the ovens....
A man stokes a fire in a crematorium oven, Dachau, 1945
Photograph. Civilian man displaying human remains in Dachau crematorium oven. Printed caption on photo front: "Human...
A crematorium oven where the corpses of prisoners were burned in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near Bergen, Germany, 1945-46
A crematorium oven where the corpses of prisoners were burned in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp; view from a few...
Man moving ashes in a crematorium in Dachau concentraction camp, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Man pushing the human ashes in an open crematorium. Official caption on front: "Human Bones, Crematorium."...
Man moving ashes in a crematorium in Dachau concentraction camp, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Man pushing the human ashes in an open crematorium. Official caption on front: "Human Bones, Crematorium."...
Crematorium entrance at Dachau concentration camp, Germany, 1945
Photograph, blurry. White sign next to a muddy path that reads: "Crematory / Dachau Concentration Camp."; a serviceman...
Crematoriums at Dachau concentration camp, Germany, 1945
Photograph, blurry. Two open crematoriums. Personal caption on reverse: "Dachau - Germany Sept '45 / Crematorium Ovens...