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Soldiers pass German civilians in the war torn town of Pirmasens, Germany in 1945
Soldiers pass German civilians in a war torn town. Note that unknown identifying information has been stricken in the...
Small child crouches on the ground, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Small child crouches on the ground near the rails at a train station. Germany. Summer 1945
Liberated Buchenwald orphans line up to depart for Switzerland, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Liberated Buchenwald orphans, leaving for Switzerland, standing in a line in Germany. Official Caption: "...
Children of concentration camp victims wave from a train leaving Braunschweig, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Small children waving from window in train car. "Rome, 5/23/45--Goodbye to Germany--Children of former...
A German soldier and civilians in a city street carrying belongings in Germany in the 1940s
A German soldier and civilians in a city street carrying belongings in Germany in the 1940s. "Germany. Note sign [P...
Maj. Gen. M. C. Stayer amidst a group of German children, Munich, 1945
Slide. Major General Morrison C. Stayer surrounded by German children in front of a bombed-out building. Munich,...
Army convoy in Heidelberg, Germany, 1945
Photograph. German children look on as an American Army convoy crosses a newly constructed bridge in Germany. Printed...
John Janik poses with two German children, Brachwitz, Germany, 1945
Photograph. John Janik stands outside with two German children. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Brachwitz, Germany...
German children ice skating in Syke in 1945
Many German children ice skating. "Children at Syke." Syke, Germany. 1945
German children ice skating in Bremen in 1945
Many German children ice skating. "Belmer Park." Bremen, Germany. 1945
German children ice skating in Bremen in 1945
Many German children ice skating. "Park in Bermen." Bremen, Germany. 1945
German children posing around elaborately carved doorway in Helmstedt, Germany in 1946
German children posing around elaborately carved entranceway. "Helmstadt doorway." Helmstedt, Germany. 1946
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