Liberated Buchenwald orphans line up to depart for Switzerland, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Liberated Buchenwald orphans, leaving for Switzerland, standing in a line in Germany. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/3/45--Buchenwald orphans leave--Members of a group of 350 liberated orphan children at the notorious Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany stand in line waitinf [waiting] for their names to be called by a United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration worker before departing for Switzerland. These war orphans range in age from five to 18 years and some have been at the camp for as long as six years. They are of Polish, Russian, Yugoslavian and Czechoslovakian origin. Buchenwald, near Weimar, was captured by the U.S. Third Army on April 13.--Army photo through Rome OWI--approved by appropriate military authority (List A Out). 6987." Buchenwald, Germany. 3 July 1945