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Six members of a flight crew stand outside their aircraft
Photograph. Jeff Townsend and other members of flight crew wearing A-2 leather flight jackets, standing in front of B-...
Aerial view of Old Bilibid Prison
Photograph, aerial. Old Bilibid Prison and the surrounding buildings. Manila, Philippines. 1945
Prewar The Bund, Shanghai
Photograph. Chinese civilians walking along Zhongshan Road at The Bund waterfront; a streetcar is in the center of the...
Buildings A and C of ACR Distribution Center No. 8, Chicago
Photograph. Buildings A and C of American Graves Registration Distribution Center No. 8. Official caption on front: "...
Australian troops in the tropical jungle on Tarakan Island, near Borneo, May 1945
Photograph. Australian troops advancing through a tropical jungle. Notice the slouch hats, 1937 Pattern British...
Master Sergeant and Officers Demonstrating full Parachute Gear at TPS, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1944
Photograph. A master sergeant is wearing a T-5 parachute with an A-3 reserve parachute, and a folding stock carbine is...
Nose of a German bomber, ETO
Photograph. Nose of a German Heinkel He 111 bomber. Translated German caption on photo reverse: "Like a threat to the...
Barefoot Swiss children outside train car looking for treats from Americans in Switzerland in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Barefoot Swiss children outside train car looking for treats from Americans. Swiss children greeting Yanks....
Indian pueblos in Colorado in 1944 or 1945
Slide. Native American architecture of the Southwest as seen from train, probably when Boylhart was traveling from New...
USMCWR members at workbench
Photograph. Members of the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve (USMCWR) standing at stations on a long workbench...
US landing craft underway toward Leyte Island, 1944
Photograph, aerial. Several rows of landing craft cruising in open ocean; warships are in the background. Official...
US Marines crouching behind sand during an invasion, Saipan, 1944
Photograph. Armed United States Marines crouching behind a large sand mound during an invasion; a LVT (Landing Vehicle...
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