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U.S. Army power shovel loading a truck with debris from nearby war damaged buildings, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. U.S. Army power shovel loading a truck with debris from nearby war damaged buildings; damaged cityscape in...
German POWs tearing down a German-built pillbox in St. Pazova, Yugoslavia (Serbia), 1945
Photograph. German POWs tearing down a German-built pillbox in a city street. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/21/45--Justice...
Tile-roofed building with palms and flagpole, Hawaii
Photograph. Tile-roofed one story building with arched entryway and flagpole in foreground. Presumably on a military...
Rock tablet with oriental writing, PTO
Photograph. Rock tablet with oriental writing. PTO. No date
War-damaged Hotel Great Eastern, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. War-damaged Hotel Great Eastern surrounded by other bombed-out buildings. Manila, Philippines. 1945
Building on campus, Hastings, Nebraska
Photograph. Gothic-style building on the Hastings College campus. Hastings, Nebraska. United States. No date
British Army officers talking to SACSEAC Louis Mountbatten and Lt. Gen. Daniel Sultan, Bahe, 1945
Negative. British Army officers from the 36th Division HQ talking to Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command...
An LVT ashore with several Marines in the Mariana Islands during World War II
Photograph. United States Marines sitting and standing on a beach; a damaged Landing Vehicle, Tracked (LVT) is in the...
Paratrooper Trainees Performing Rope Exercises at TPS, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1944
Photograph. Paratrooper trainees swing on ropes over a water-filled ditch. The photo serial number on the front is "...
Military inspections
Photograph. Soldiers lined up at attention for inspection on military base. No caption. Unknown location. No date
A civilian woman"Mother Bellerose" in March 1946
Slide. Civilian woman in front of house. "Mother Bellerose. Mar 46." From box originally labeled "Italy. Verona-Switz...
A California hillside during a sunset in 1944
Slide. California hillside during sunset. "Sunset." 1944
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