U.S. Army power shovel loading a truck with debris from nearby war damaged buildings, Philippines, 1945

Photograph. U.S. Army power shovel loading a truck with debris from nearby war damaged buildings; damaged cityscape in background. Official Caption: "Rome 6/13/45--U.S. Army helps rebuild Manila--U.S. Army steam shovels and bulldozers begin the mammoth job of clearing away demolished buildings in Manila, Philippines Islands capital, before starting reconstruction. With the help of the islanders, U.S. Army engineers are repairing or replacing buildings wantonly fired and blasted by the Japanese as they retreated. U.S. troops entered Manila on Feb. 4, 1945 and brought an end to enemy resistance 19 days later. After the liberation of the city, U.S. troops regrouped for the final phases of the campaign on Luzon, main Philippine Island.--PME photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6689." Manila, Philippines. 13 June 1945