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Servicemen transporting a mule, Burma, 1945
Photograph. United States servicemen standing with a mule in the bed of a military truck; one of the servicemen is...
Mules standing near a veterinary tent, Burma, 1945
Photograph. Mules standing near a 18th Veterinary Evacuation Hospital tent; a serviceman is looking into a microscope...
Five American soldiers posing in front of German home, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Five American soldiers posing in front of German home. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Art Snider,...
Martha O'Driscoll at a recruiting center, California, March 1941
Photograph. Martha O'Driscoll and two other women stand outside in front of a table at a U.S. Army Air Corps recruiting...
Two story buidling with attic dormer window, Germany
Photograph. Two story buidling with attic dormer window. Jeep parked out front in the gravel driveway. Frankfurt area,...
Nighttime celebration of Japan's unconditional surrender, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, August 1945
Photograph. Flares illuminated the night sky during a celebration of Japan's surrender in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii....
U.S. Senators with U.S. ambassador and military officer, Italy, 2 June 1945
Photograph. U.S. Senators standing with a U.S. ambassador and a U.S. military officer outdoors. Official Caption: "Rome...
U.S. Army Nurse wearing raincoat, 1941-45
Photograph, portrait. U.S. Army Nurse wearing a water repellent, wind resistant overcoat of olive drab poplin. It has a...
Two Marines stand together, Guam, September 1945
Photograph. Two Marines stand together in a clearing. Palm trees in the background. Personal caption on photo reverse...
Young Marine sits outside on the hood of a military truck, Oahu, February 1945
Photograph. Young Marine sits outside on the hood of a military truck at a military facility. Personal caption on photo...
War damaged building surrounded by rubble, Talamone, Italy
Photograph. War damaged building surrounded by debris; gaping hole in side of building. Personal caption on photo...
Bethlehem Steel administrator sitting at a desk, Fore River Shipyard, Massachusetts, 1945
Photograph. Older civilian man sitting behind a desk and posing as if writing in a ledger. Fore River Shipyard, Quincy...
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