Nighttime celebration of Japan's unconditional surrender, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, August 1945

Photograph. Flares illuminated the night sky during a celebration of Japan's surrender in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Official Caption: "Pearl Harbor Celebrates Japan's Unconditional Surrender. Colored flares illuminate the night sky as the news flash stating Japan's acceptance of the Potsdam ultimatum was received at the Pearl Harbor Naval Base, Hawaii. The whistle and horn of every ship in the harbor raised its voice to join in the celebration. At 7:00 PM. (Eastern War Time) on Aug. 14, 1945, President Truman announced the unconditional surrender of the Japanese Armed Forces. Photo through U. S. I. S. Rome. 43544-M. Approved by appropriate U.S. Authority. (B and C Lists)." Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 14 August 1945