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A soldier stands in front of the Monument du Centenaire, Nice, May 1945
Photograph. A uniformed soldier, Gilbert, stands in front of the Monument du Centenaire. Personal caption on photo...
Martha O'Driscoll performing on stage, New Caledonia
Photograph. Martha O'Driscoll performing/singing on stage at Tontouta Air Base. Personal caption on photo reverse: "...
Serviceman standing in snow, Belgium
Photograph. American serviceman standing in snow by a statue of a saint in a garden. Rivage, Belgium. No date
Army Nurse Corps officers' regulation wool cape
Photograph. Woman modeling Army Nurse Corps officers' regulation olive drab wool cape. Official Caption: "A Lieutenant...
Hitler's war damaged office, Berlin, Germany, 1945
Photograph. A Russian military officer is sitting at the desk in Adolf Hitler's war damaged office; an American...
The front exterior of a model home, New York, June 1945
Photograph. The front exterior of a model home is shown, including intended landscaping. "Rome, 6/29/45--Model of...
Allied Control Commission in Berlin, Germany, 5 June 1945
Photograph. American, British, French, and Russian representatives sitting and standing at the first meeting of the...
U.S. serviceman stands outside of tent, 1946
Photograph. Shirtless U.S. serviceman stands outdoors near tent. Personal caption: "Bob Berezalbach-- Philadelphia, Pa...
Two uniformed GIs stand together outside, 1946
Photograph. Two uniformed GIs stand together outside of a building on a military base. Bright sun, bare ground....
United States sailors on deck of PT-305 moored in harbor
Photograph. United States sailors on deck of patrol torpedo (PT) boat 305 in harbor; war damaged buildings in...
Townsend poses with a civilian vehicle with a Texas license plate, Florida
Photograph. Townsend has right foot on car bumper and is pointing to Texas license plate of civilian car. Townsend is...
War-damaged San Francisco Church, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Damaged San Francisco Church. Manila, Philippines. 1945
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