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A sailor preacher leads hymn singing aboard a Coast Guard manned LST on 18 February 1945
"4057 Enlisted man takes over the 'pulpit - A sailor preacher leads hymn singing and gives the Lord's word to his...
Soldier of 170th Engineer Combat Battalion laying fuse to one of five dynamite charges on Osborne's Peak, at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944
1828. '3-22-44. Du Tiel. T/5 Lewis Lehr, C Co 170th Engrs III Corps shown laying fuse to one of five dynamite charges...
A group of local people resting in the shade in a field in Africa, 1941-43
Mass-produced photograph of a group of local people, perhaps a family, resting in the shade in a field; there are goats...
Lieutenant Colonel at Fort Benning, Georgia on 12 September 1944
1639. 'Paik. Lt Col Walther H. Frick, Executive Officer of 4th HQ Sp Troops, 2nd Army, Fort Benning, Ga. 168-L-44-2885...
Smoking from mortal wounds administered by planes of the USS Ranger, this Nazi merchant vessel lies dead in the water during a raid off Bodo, Norway in October 1943
431.Photograph. 'File No: ES-163-201246 February 20, 1944 Saga of the Ranger First vessel of the U. S. Navy to be...
P-39 airplane being rigged for lift by wrecker in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
Four soldiers rigging P-39 airplane "43291" for lift by wrecker during retrieval operation in the Aleutian Islands c....
St. Joseph's Cathedral in Asmara, Eritrea, 1941-43
Mass-produced photograph of St. Joseph's Cathedral. Asmara, Eritrea, Africa. 1941-43
American flag displayed on ship in the Pacific
American flag displayed on ship; marine photographer below. Unknown ship in unknown location, probably PTO. Circa 1945
American soldier posing in the open doorway of his tent in 1943
Photograph. American soldier posing in the open doorway of his tent at an unknown location, probably 1943.
Crossing the Line ceremony aboard the USS Rutland in 1945
Neptunus Rex, Crossing the Line ceremony aboard the USS Rutland; pollywog is being dumped from coffin into pool on deck...
The bodies of dead Japanese soldiers on Kwajalein Atoll, 1944
The bodies of dead Japanese soldiers lie on the ground. They are still wearing their uniforms. There is a cannon in the...
Large images of Lenin and Stalin hang outside of Soviet headquarters in Vienna, Austria in January 1946
Two large images of Soviet leaders Lenin and Stalin separated by Soviet star, hanging on building façade (probably the...
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