Australian troops landing at Balikpapan, Borneo, 1945

Photograph. Troops of the Australian Seventh Infantry Division heading for tropical shore in landing craft; large cloud of smoke rising over island. Official Caption: "Rome. 7/25/45--Australians Land at Balikpapan--Troops of the Australian Seventh Infantry Division head for shore at Balikpapan, southeastern Borneo port and oil center, after intensive bombardment by U.S. and Australian airforces and U.S. warships. By July 10, Allied forces controlled the shore area of Balikpapan Bay, one of the best anchorages in the Netherlands East Indies.--Acme photo through OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority. (A List Out) 7198." Balikpapan, Borneo, Indonesia. 25 July 1945