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Raaen, John Vignettes
John Raaen dated a nurse at the General Hospital at Cherbourg. They enjoyed dancing and drinking champagne when they were out on a date.
Raby, Glynn Assault into Germany
[Annotator's Note: Glynn G. Raby, Jr.
Raby, Glynn Combat in Belgium
[Annotator's Note: Glynn G. Raby, Jr.
Raby, Glynn Early Life and Entrance Into Service
Glynn G. Raby, Jr. was born in Memphis [Annotator's Note: Memphis, Tennessee] in 1924.
Raby, Glynn Experiences in Brittany
[Annotator's Note: Glynn G. Raby, Jr.
Raby, Glynn Overseas Deployment
Glynn G. Raby, Jr.
Raby, Glynn Postwar Life and Career
When Glynn G. Raby, Jr. came home, he could not enjoy his 30-day leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time].
Raby, Glynn Reflections
When Glynn G. Raby Jr. first considered enlisting, he wanted to join the Air Corps. He was young, and aviation was pretty new.
Raby, Glynn Taking German Prisoners of War
Glynn G. Raby, Jr.
Raby, Glynn War's End and Discharge
Glynn G. Raby, Jr. was transferred to the 3rd Army and moved to Czechoslovakia.
Race, John "Jack Race" Atomic Bombs and Discharge
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John T.
Race, John "Jack Race" Battle of the Bulge Flight
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks John T.