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American soldier poses with American M-26 Pershing tank, Germany, 1945
Photograph. American soldier crouched down, posing with the artillery shell of an American M-26 Pershing tank destroyer. Probably Germany. 1945
American soldier poses with Belgian civilian, Belgium, April 1945
Photograph. An American soldier and a local woman stand together outside of a building.
American soldier poses with hands on hips, ETO
Photograph. American soldier with hands on hips standing next to row of gas cans in front of a building. ETO. No date
American soldier poses with his camera outside barracks
Photograph. American soldier poses with his camera outside barracks. Possibly Camp McKinley, Oregon. 1943
American soldier poses with his rifle next to a half-track vehicle, ETO
Photograph. American soldier poses with his rifle next to a half-track vehicle. ETO. No date
American soldier posing in front of tents
Photograph. American soldier in campaign hat and breeches posing in front of large camp tents. Unknown location. No date
American soldier posing in the open doorway of his tent
Photograph. American soldier smoking a cigarette while posing in the open doorway of his tent. Unknown location. No date
American soldier posing in the open doorway of his tent in 1943
Photograph. American soldier posing in the open doorway of his tent at an unknown location, probably 1943.
American soldier posing on the wing of a German JU-87, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Unidentified American soldier posing on the wing of a German JU-87. Probably in Germany. 1945
American soldier posing on top of German JU-87, Germany, 1945
Photograph. Unidentified American soldier posing on top of German JU-87; dozens of other German planes behind him. Probably in Germany. 1945
American soldier posing on walkway to the Kehlsteinhaus, Germany, 1945
Photograph. American soldier posing on walkway which is probably leading to the Kehlsteinhaus / Eagle's Nest. Berchtesgaden, Germany. 1945
American soldier posing on wing of P-51 Mustang, Germany, 1945
Photograph. American soldier posing on wing of P-51 Mustang parked on a runway. Probably Germany. 1945