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American soldier holding clothing iron in front of a tent in Fort Devens, Massachusetts, 1943
American soldier holding clothing iron in front of a tent in Fort Devens, Massachusetts. "Cohen Tailer [sic] Shop."1943
American soldier in a troop train box car in Western Europe, 1945
Photograph. Silhouette of an American soldier in a troop train box car.
American soldier in cockpit of airplane in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier in cockpit of airplane in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier in field gear with weapon standing outside tent
American soldier in Fort Devons, Massachusetts in August 1943
American soldier standing in front of building at Fort Devons, Massachusetts. John Cardarelli Service Section. [July/August 1943]
American soldier in Fort Devons, Massachusetts in August 1943
American soldier standing with cot of supplies in fron on tents at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. [July/August 1943]
American soldier in Fort Devons, Massachusetts in August 1943
Supply Sergeant Philips standing in front on tents at Fort Devons, Massachusetts. [July/August 1943]
American soldier in Fort Devons, Massachusetts in August 1943
American soldier standing with cot and supplies in front of tents at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. 'Tec/Sgt. McCann. [July/August 1943]
American soldier in front of 488th Port Battalion sign in Italy during World War II
American soldier "Dee" in front of building with a sign reading "488th Port BN. T.C.", Italy, 194-.
American soldier in front of tomb or religious relics in Italy in 9144
American soldier in front of tomb or religious relics. Italy. [1944]
American soldier in Italian home, Presenzano, Italy, 1943
Photograph. American soldier stands in a bedroom with an elderly woman and a younger family member.
American soldier in military jeep named Ginny, location unknown, during World War II
American soldier in military jeep named Ginny with serial number 20490229. Location unknown. 194-