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12" Japanese artillery piece captured by the 158th RCT at Cuenca, Batangas in the Philippines in 1945
"12" Jap [Japanese] artillery piece captured by 158th RCT." Cuenca, Batangas in the Philippines in 1945
12" Japanese artillery shell, captured by the 156th RCT at Cuenca, Batangas, Luzon, Philippines in March 1945
46" long 12" projectile." [1945]. "26 March 1945.
126th Cannon Company howitzer position along the Villa Verde Trial near Carranglan in the Philippines on 12 April 1945
"126th Cannon Co. howitzer position along Villa Verde Trial." 12 April 1945
129th Infantry Regiment advancing towards a jungle, Bougainville Island
Photograph. United States Army soldiers from the 129th Infantry Regiment walking behind a M4 Sherman tank towards a jungle.
129th Infantry Regiment firing rifles at Japanese forces, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. Unites States Army soldiers from the129th Infantry Regiment firing rifles across a dirt road at Japanese soldiers.
129th Infantry Regiment mortar crew firing 42 mortars in Manila fighting in the Philippines in 1945
"129th Inf Regt mortar crew firing 4.2 mortars in Manila fighting." [1945]
129th Infantry Regiment shooting at Japanese forces near Aritao, Philippines, 1945
Photograph. United States Army soldiers from the 129th Infantry Regiment shooting at Japanese forces hidden behind a cloud of smoke.
129th Infantry Regiment start off on PT boat patrol to clear the Japanese off wrecked ships in harbor at Manila in the Philippines in 1945
"129th Inf Regt start off on PT boat patrol to clear Japs off wrecked ships in harbor." [1945]
12cm Japanese naval gun in a mountain emplacement in the Philippines in 1945
12cm Jap [Japanese] naval gun in mountain emplacement." [1945]
12th Bombardment Group Staff photo, 1942-45
Group portrait of "Group Staff" with 24 names with rank. Servicemen are dressed in khaki and posed in front of a large tent.
132nd Infantry Regiment taking cover on a beach, Cebu Island, 1945
134th Station Hospital medical personnel, Italy, 1945
Slide. The American medical officers of the 134th Station Hospital posing near the hospital. Personal caption on slide border: "134 Sta.