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105mm crew loads a shell into the breech during attack on Kwajalein in January 1944
105mm crew loads a shell into the breech during attack on Kwajalein. "W-CPA-44-107-C. 1/31. Weaver.
105mm howitzer and gun crew from the 608th Field Artillery Battalion in position ready to fire at Fort Benning on 12 October 1944
1769. '12 Oct 44. Paik.
105mm Howitzer from C Battery, 607th Field Artillery Battalion at Fort Benning on 12 October 1944
1734. '12 Oct 44. Paik. 105mm Howitzer from C Battery, 607 FA Bn, 71st Div with crew about to fire.
105mm Howitzer gun crews surrounded by 105mm shells on Carlson Island, Kwajalein Atoll in January 1944
105mm Howitzers gun crews surrounded by 105 shells on Kwajalein beach. 'W-CPA-44-107-X 1/31. Weaver.
105mm Howitzer of C Battery, 607th Field Artillery Battalion, 71st Division with her crew about to fire at Fort Benning on 12 October 1944
1735. '12 Oct 44. Paik. 105mm Howitzer of C Battery, 607 FA Bn, 71st Div with crew about to fire.
108th Engineers carve a new road 10 miles south of Baguio on 13 March 1945
108th Engineers carve a new road 10 miles south of Baguio on 13 March 1945
10th Mountain Division going over a hill crest, Italy
10th Mountain Division patrol puts on their snowshoes in Italy on 10 January 1945.
118.Photograph. '10 Jan 45 (approx). 5/MM-45-687. Fifth Army, Italy.
10th Mountain Division servicemen advancing onto German held hill in Italy in March 1945
364.Photograph.10th Mountain Division servicemen advancing onto German held hill. '4 Mar 1945. 5/MM-45-3805.
10th Mountain Division soldiers with tank and snow shoes in Italy in January 1945
526.Photograph. 10th Mountain Division soldiers with snow shoes. '10 Jan 45. Fifth Army, Italy. Patrol of Co.
10th Mountain Division walking past a dead German soldier, Italy
117th Engineer Battalion, 37th Division Engineers search for mines South of Bambang, Luzon in the Philippines in 1945
"117th Engr. Bn. 37th Div. engineers search for mines South of Bambang, Luzon." [1945]