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A female soldier processes mail in Papua New Guinea in 1944
A WAC seated at a table handling the mail with a Tech Sgt. seated in the next chair looking at the camera.
A female student confers with an instructor at Cooper Union college, New York City, 1945
Photograph. A female student confers with an instructor on a project while a male student works in the foreground.
A female U.S. Navy Specialist Second Class wearing a rain uniform
Photograph. A female U.S. Navy Specialist Second Class wearing the rain uniform of enlisted women. Location unknown. Circa 1945
A female USO performer on stage in the Mariana Islands during World War II
Photograph. Female United Service Organizations performer dancing on an outdoor stage during a Bob Hope show. Location unknown. No date
A ferry crossing with a military vehicle, possibly in Accra, Ghana during World War II
Photograph. A ferry crossing with a military vehicle, possibly in Accra, Ghana in the 1940s.
A festival or ritual in New Guinea in the 1940s
Pacific Islanders during festival or ritual. 194-
A field filled with large unexploded bombs circa 1944
A field filled with large unexploded bombs. Similar to 2009.278.142. Circa 1944
A field ice box built by a quartermaster company at Fort Benning, Georgia on 6 July 1944
1358. '6 July 44. Sharetts. A field ice box built by the 3496th Qm. Truck Co.
A field kitchen dug into a rearward slope during mountain maneuvers at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 22 March 1944
1848. '3-22-44. J. P. Johnson.
A field possibly in Accra, Ghana during World War II
Photograph. A field possibly in Accra, Ghana in the 1940s.
A Filipino boy sits in a makeshift bath tub in the Philippines in 1944
A Filipino boy sits in a makeshift bath tub.
A Filipino civilian that survived being buried alive in a shelter by Japanese soldiers in the Philippines on 23 February 1945
"A Filipino civilian survived being buried alive in shelter by Japs." 23 February 1945