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Easter services attended by US servicepeople, Palermo, 1944
Photograph. Christian communion scene with sailors, WACS and soldiers gathered together outside at the edge of the street.
Easter sunrise services for men of the IV Corps at Castelluccia, Italy on 1 April 1945
301.Photograph. '1 April 45. 5/MM-45-5599. Fifth Army, Castelluccia, Italy. Chap. [Chaplain] Paul J.
Eating at a beach picnic, Oahu, December 1945
Photograph. Marines and a female companion wear bathing suits and eat food at an outdoor barbecue.
Ebeye Island
Photograph, landscape. Sandy plot with a military camp and watchtower in the background.
Ed Rafalko standing in front of barracks
Photograph. Ed Rafalko in Class A uniform standing in front of barracks.
Edge of a military camp, Saipan, 1946
Slide. Tents and shacks at the edge of an American military camp; and interfaith chapel is in the center. Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands.
Edson's Ridge and Being Wounded
Edson's Ridge and Feelings about Edson
Edward Ezell reads mail
Photograph. Edward Ezell, shirtless, arranges paperwork at a table.
Edward N. Scheiberling speaking to American servicemen at Rome Red Cross, Italy, 1945
Photograph. National Commander of The American Legion, Edward N.
Edward R. Stettinius Jr. (center) honored at United Nations Conference, California, 1945
Photograph. American government official Edward R. Stettinius Jr. sharing a smile after being honored by fellow United Nations representatives.
Edward Rhodes driving a jeep, Marshall Islands, 1946
Photograph. Edward Rhodes driving a yellow and black checkered jeep; a sign with "Follow Me" is attached to the back.