Edward R. Stettinius Jr. (center) honored at United Nations Conference, California, 1945
Photograph. American government official Edward R. Stettinius Jr. sharing a smile after being honored by fellow United Nations representatives. Official Caption: "Rome, 7/16/45--Stettinius Honored--Edward R. Stettinius Jr., holds a silver box presented to him in recognition of his efforts toward the success of the United Nations Conference on International Organization. The gift was presented by (L to R) the Earl of Halifax, British Ambassador to the U.S. and Chairman of the United Kingdom delegation; V. K. Wellington Koo, Chinese Ambassador to Great Britain, and A. A. Gromyko, Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Mr. Stettinius, Chairman of the U.S. delegation, resigned as Secretary of State to accept appointment as the U.S. member of the Security Council and Chairman of the American delegation in the General Assembly of the United Nations.--International New Photo through Rome OWI--Approved by appropriate military authority (List A out). 7123." San Francisco, California. 16 July 1945