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Raleigh W. Johnson Jr. served in the Navy near the end of World War 2. He attended Wright Junior College [Annotator’s...
[Annotator’s Note: Someone in the background is audible throughout this segment. The interviewee also knocks on the...
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Alfred Pierse Murphy returned to the United States by ship in late February [Annotator's Note: February 1945]. His ship...
In the early summer of 1945, Jack D. Owen [Annotator’s Note: assigned to the USS Colusa (APA-74) as the radar striker]...
Robert J. Hutchings was assigned as a stenographer under the command of General Eisenhower [Annotator's Note: General...
Lyle Mitchell remembers his wife had to work when she was brought to Pearl Harbor [Annotator’s Note: Pearl Harbor,...
[Annotator’s Note: The sound is muffled.] Rockie Blunt served with the 333rd Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division...
Dr. Albert Habeeb was assigned as a flight surgeon in the China-Burma-India Theater and travelled to Burma for a four-...
John Baldori served overseas in the Mediterranean [Annotator’s Note: under US Army General Mark Wayne Clark] and...
James Richard O'Rorke [Annotator's Note: a prisoner of war] was divided into a group sent to a camp that overlooked a...
Charles R. Smith [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry...
Carl Constein flew as a pilot for the air operations of the CBI campaign [Annotator’s Note: China-Burma-India Theater...
Janice Evenson was proud that she could teach the pilots. [Annotator’s Note: Evenson was stationed in Marietta, Georgia...
[Annotator's Note: Fergus Van Wart served in the Navy as coxswain aboard the USS Bergen (APA-150).] Van Wart brought...
John Burr remembers they went into the Sea of Japan as a group of nine submarines. They were surprised to see the...
Norman Weber has a significant and raw memory of how the war ended. The family had to flee their home. It was the end...
Albert Simon was in the Philippines. They stayed in pup tents [Annotator's Note: small sleep tents often shared by two...
While stationed on Tinian [Annotator's Note: Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands] Anna McCalla Noren was thrilled when she...
Bernard Kofsky's [Annotator's Note: with the 94th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force] worst mission was in Schweinfurt [...
Joel Urice remembers the plane “Our Gal Sal” [Annotator's Note: a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber in the 100th...
In early 1945, after completing missions in the Philippines, Richard R. Ruess' squadron [Annotator's Note: 4th...
In early August 1945, the 321st Bombardment Squad, 90th bombardment group [Annotator’s Note: 321st Bombardment Squadron...
Robert Frederick Reed only flew one daylight mission while serving overseas, all the others were at night using...
Herbert W. Ridyard joined the 94th Division [Annotator's Note: Ridyard served on a heavy machine gun crew in Company H...
Shortly after the invasion of Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June 1944...
Morton William Werner [Annotator’s Note: assigned to the USS PC-1220 Patrol Craft] was in the Gulf of Mexico near Key...
[Annotator's Note: A dog can be heard whining in the background throughout this segment.] The Army Air Forces assigned...
Dorothy Malone remembers that they partied when they heard the war was over. She was married and lived on a boat. She...
Virgil Faust was a prisoner of war [Annotator's Note: in Stalag XVII-B, Austria] during World War 2. Towards the end of...
Don Carter's outfit's [Annotator's Note: Battery B, 44th Field Artillery Battalion, 4th Infantry Division] second...
When Vernon Grimes sent to Port Moresby, New Guinea [Annotator's Note: as part of the 64th Bombardment Squadron, 43rd...
William Splichal would write down the dates and towns of the places he went to in his diary. He went to Paris [...
Carl Nygren was delighted that the bombs were dropped on Japan [Annotator's Note: nuclear weapons dropped on Hiroshima...
William E. Byrnes rejoined his platoon [Annotator's Note: in Company I, 3rd Battalion, 254th Infantry Regiment, 63rd...
John F. Ward was stationed at San Angelo Airfield [Annotator's Note: San Angelo, Texas] when the war ended with Europe...
