Personal/family relationships

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There were two vacant lots near Frederick Hollis's home in Detroit. He decided to grow a Victory Garden in them. The...
Alfred A. Johnson, Jr. went to Vietnam in January 1964 and served in the Mekong Delta [Annotator's Note: located in...
Clyde Barber later completed two tours of duty in Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam War, or Second Indochina War, 1...
Carl Smith had three sons. They all live in Georgia. He has six grandchildren and some great-grandchildren as well. In...
James Johnson came back to the United States and was supposed to go to an advanced course. They pulled him out and put...
Paul Sparacino was in the Philippines [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Princeton (LPH-5)] when Vietnam [Annotator's...
After World War 2 and the Korean War [Annotator's Note: 1950 to 1953], William McCowen served in the Vietnam War. He...
It bothers George McGovern today that when he talks to college kids they have no idea about Vietnam. Even though he...
On 6 May 1945, Robert Boeke was told to stay in Mörsdorf [Annotator's Note: Mörsdorf, Germany]. They [Annotator's Note...
Marshall Burnett boarded a train at Grand Central Station [Annotator's Note: in New York, New York] bound for Meridian...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Wolf was gearing up to go to Japan after returning from combat in Europe.] All he knew was...
When the United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Richard Ryan was at the naval air station on...
Robert Kinzler said he really enjoys his volunteer work at the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note:...
When the war was over, a lot of women stayed on in the factories. Helen Kushnir went to work for Western Union as a...
William Ebersole went to a staging area in Tallahassee, Florida for about a month after finishing his pilot training....
When the war was over, Leslie V. Freeman was pulled back to a rest area. They came up with the point system [Annotator'...
Doyle “Bill” C. Hilson was born in Bronson, Florida in December 1927. He had five brothers and sisters. His father, an...
Robert Gurr found that the genesis of Disneyland occurred in the 1930s when Walt Disney brought his two daughters to...
Dorothy Ehlers met her future husband, Walt [Annotator's Note: Medal of Honor Recipient Walter Ehlers], while she was...
George E. Budlong was born in 1927 in Providence, Rhode Island. Budlong calls himself a child of the Depression [...
[Annotator's Note: Snyder pauses the interview several times and repeats statements frequently in this segment.] In...
Lydia Grant witnessed the attack on the American facilities at Pearl Harbor firsthand. The Japanese strafed the...
The Germans who marched into Riga [Annotator’s Note: Riga, Latvia] were viewed as liberators by the townspeople. When...
[Annotator’s Note: Airplanes flying overhead are audible throughout segment.] John R. Eisenach was born in May 1925 on...
Daniel Szafran was living in his home town of Stryków, Poland when war broke out December 1939. Prior to the war, they...
At the time war broke out, Charles A. Waller was working as an usher at a nearby movie theater and followed the course...
After rejoining his unit [Annotator's Note: 869th Bombardment Squadron, 497th Bombardment Group, 21st Bomber Command,...
Christian de Marcken's parents had seen the harbingers of war talked about how the situation resembled the prelude to...
Ghislaine Hegerty and her family took shelter from the war in a religious building next to their home [Annotator's Note...
Marthe Cohn and her family arrived in Poitiers, France to stay with her father's brother. They had been asked to move...
Wanda Damberg testified against Tōjō [Annotator’s Note: Hideki Tōjō was Prime Minister of Japan for much of the Second...
George W. McCarthy was born in April 1925 in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He father worked as a lumberman, but lost his...
Kenneth H. Bailey and his future wife did a lot of talking about the war before he was drafted. In England, they...
In seeing the movies [Annotator's Note: referring to the documentaries and Beyond all Boundaries 4D experience...
Martha Tolles went to Florida in June [Annotator’s Note: of 1944] with her husband. They got a month off and went back...
Elizabeth Barrett found it hard to leave her father behind in the Philippines, and was optimistic about his survival,...
