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[Annotator's Note: Robert Philips was in Pusan, Korea with the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry...
Itka Bloch was sick when she was working in a factory. She worked on a large machine. The German lady liked her and...
Warren Sanford Moose was given orders to go overseas as a replacement laboratory dental technician. He first stopped in...
The weather was terrible [Annotator's Note: in England]. Cosmo Uttero cannot recall if he went down into the ship or...
On 1 April 1943 Raymond Wells boarded a troop train to New York where they went aboard a ship. His brother Irwin, who...
Fred Arthur Balfour went into service in 1944. He went to Electrician Mate's school in Bainbridge, New York. They...
Henry Armstrong expected to go overseas. He thought he was going to the Philippines due having trained with mules. Once...
Leslie Aigner walked through the outskirts of Landsberg. A fellow prisoner pointed out the prison where Hitler [...
Archie Maltbie flew one of his last missions of the war against a very large German ammunition dump. There was a huge...
John Witmeyer and the entire 79th Infantry Division were involved in the Battle of the Bulge, and he and his men fought...
George Ingram left port on the USS Mobjack (AGP-7) in a bad storm, and lost 15 pounds between Seattle and San Francisco...
Joseph Romano has stories, but it is like going to confession and forgetting your sins. He has a lot of experience....
Clarence Carlson was only stationed at St. John in France [Annotator's Note: Beaumont Sur Oise Airfield, Beaumont Sur...
On Guadalcanal, Ira Schilling and Company L, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment faced some enemy air raids and naval...
Right after the attack [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941], Thomas W....
Roger Shaw arrived in Bahia, Brazil aboard the SS George Gayle. He had met some associates previously in Bahia, but he...
Mahlen Arledge left Peleliu after the battle for the island was won. His company [Annotator's Note: Company K, 3rd...
Annaliese Nossbaum came across letters she and her mother had written after their liberation from Mauthausen [Annotator...
The Russians [Annotator's Note: 262nd Rifle Division, 113 Infantry Corps] liberated Malcolm Ernest [Annotator's Note:...
Itka Zygmuntowicz stayed in Auschwitz until 18 January 1945 when she and the other inmates were marched out of the camp...
Leslie Freeman's first close contact with the enemy was after crossing France and Belgium and going into the Hurtgen...
The forward observers were doing their "usual thing" looking for a high point when William Jucksch said they came upon...
Thomas Creekmore [Annotator's Note: a radio operator in the 365th Bombardment Squadron, 305th Bombardment Group, 8th...
Richard Lockhart saw burial parties take the dead out of his POW [Annotator's Note: prisoners of war] camp day after...
When he arrived at Berga, Morton Brooks was shocked to find that it wasn't a POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war]...
On 1 June 1945, 800 B-29s [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-29 Superfortress very heavy bomber] and B-17s [Annotator's Note:...
Fernando Serna was liberated from a prisoner of war camp after the war. He was treated by doctors and nurses following...
Benjamin Hagans was in Cabanatuan [Annotator’s Note: Cabanatuan, Philippines] for all of 1944 and part of 1945. He...
The concentration camp at Mauthausen, Austria was infested with lice, and Martin Baranek said conditions were worse...
Itka Bloch remembers the first tank coming in [Annotator's Note: to liberate the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near...
Peter Somogyi felt there was a chance he had been liberated when he saw a Russian soldier outside the window [Annotator...
Edward C. Capron Jr. was serving with Headquarters Battery of the 73rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 9th Armored...
Herman Molen remembers that they had to stay on the same floor as the German troops. Molen was eaten up by fleas and...
Murray Stein remarked that they were liberated by the 104th Division [Annotator's Note: 104th Infantry Division]. Stein...
Clarence Derrington and his fellow prisoners of war, POWs, were elated to be unexpectedly liberated. The POWs remaining...
Eva Nathanson's fever was getting worse, but all they could do was cool her face with wet cloths. One day, she heard...
