Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO)

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[Annotator's Note: James Allen served in the Navy as a Fireman 2nd Class in the submarine service and was aboard the...
Alfred Rodrigues reported aboard the Washington [Annotator's Note: USS Washington (BB-56)] as a five inch [Annotator's...
Remi Kidder served on the Wasp [Annotator's Note: USS Wasp (CV-18)] as it performed its job of softening up islands...
William Roy had decided to do a documentary if there was a battle. He got permission to film the captain and the...
While preparing to graduate from high school, Charles “Chuck” Franzke was encouraged by his father to take a test to...
Walter Bank's family lived on a small farm, and wasn't greatly affected by the Great Depression. They never talked...
After being accepted into the Navy V-7 program [Annotator's Note: V-7 US Navy Midshipmen Officer Candidates Program,...
Murphy Burke had a lot of respect for the Japanese; he thought they were good soldiers, and did their job with the few...
[Annotator's Note: Anna McCalla Noren graduated from Nursing School in March 1943.] That summer, she and a friend...
Leon Griffith was in the Philippines and was hunting Japanese who were on a mountain and firing artillery shells at...
Francis Bucher was training pilots for night flying [Annotator's Note: at Naval Air Station Ellyson Field, Pensacola,...
John Mikus, Jr. was with the old paratroopers on Vella Lavella [Annotator's Note: Battle of Vella Lavella, 15 August to...
The guys at Midway knew that the Navy was out there but not where they were. Sumner Whitten was at Midway when an SBD [...
Edward Bale was G4 of the 1st Marine Division and then Chief of Staff of that Division during the Vietnam War. As the...
Clyde Barber later completed two tours of duty in Vietnam [Annotator's Note: Vietnam War, or Second Indochina War, 1...
Paul Sparacino was in the Philippines [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Princeton (LPH-5)] when Vietnam [Annotator's...
Louis Zamperini was converted in 1949. In 1951, he returned to Japan, particularly to visit Sugamo Prison because he...
Besides the flag raising, Dave Severance's most vivid memory was the loss of troops. They knew that the Japanese were...
Harold DeForest was on Leyte on his way back to the 37th Infantry Division when the atomic bomb was dropped and the war...
[Annotator's Note: Charles Kneflin was a tail gunner on a Boeing B-29 Superfortress very heavy bomber in the 53rd...
Aside from sporadic sniper fire, Paul Amrod's prayers were answered and he had no really close calls. He attributes his...
Towards the end of World War 2, John Carruth, serving in the Navy, was sent to Jacksonville [Annotator's Note:...
Jack Skaggs was on Wake Island during the first Japanese bombing raids on the islands. The Marines had assigned VMF-211...
Thomas Tizzard decided to separate having survived two ships being torpedoed. He had had enough combat. Once on Guam,...
Robert Kinzler said he really enjoys his volunteer work at the Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note:...
Donald F. Goyette spent time on Iwo Jima [Annotator's note: Iwo Jima, Japan]. When the Marines were preparing to invade...
The cook [Annotator's Note: on the USS LCI(L)-1012] got sick, and one was needed. Harold Ronson put in for it as he had...
James J. Hill flew the F4F Wildcat [Annotator's Note: Grumman F4F Wildcat fighter aircraft] which was the best, until...
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee has difficulty speaking at times throughout the segment.] Rawley R. Hill [Annotator’s...
Doyle “Bill” C. Hilson was born in Bronson, Florida in December 1927. He had five brothers and sisters. His father, an...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. was assigned to Wake Island as a member of the Marine Corps' 1st Defense Battalion. He had...
William Hall reached North Island and was assigned to one of two Marine Corps fighter units being organized. Fighter...
Jack Skaggs was assigned to L Battery on Wilkes Island in the Wake Island atoll. The battery had an old 5 inch 51 gun [...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. was on Wake Island with the 12 airplanes of VMF-211 [Annotator's Note: Marine Fighting...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. drove his truck to multiple locations on Wake Island in support of the defenders. The huge...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. witnessed the end of the fighting on Wake Island. It was chaotic. He [Annotator’s Note: then US...
