European Theater of Operations (ETO)

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Photograph. Thin concentration camp prisoner inside Buchenwald concentration camp. Personal caption on photo reverse: "...
429.Photograph. 'File No: 209582 April 25, 1944 Navy planes sink U-Boat in two minutes! Cutting through the waters of...
Large field of German prisoners of war. "ETO-HQ-45-22501. Weintraub. 23 Mar. Signal corps photo. Part of 11,000 German...
Photograph. John Janik and two others pose in their service dress uniforms outside hutment barracks. Possibly Camp...
Photograph. Three American soldiers pose with arms over shoulders in front of the mess hall. Personal caption on photo...
Photograph. Three American soldiers pose with their rifles in front of tents. Presumably homefront. 1943
Photograph. Three uniformed American soldiers stand together outside with their arms around each other. Personal...
Three Army Air Force members pose for a portrait in front of a building. James Piluk on far left in Belgium in 1944
Three Army Air Force members pose for a portrait in front of a building. James Piluk in middle. '"Brussels, Belgium....
Three Army Air Force servicemen inside an American club. Pin-up girl paintings decorate the walls. "Gudensberg, Germany...
Three Army Air Force servicemen pose amidst trees in a campground. Small logs have been used to delineate pathways;...
Photograph. Three children standing together outdoors. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Part of my fans." ETO. No...
Three civilians on a dirt road in postwar Germany.
Three German civilians on a dirt road in postwar Germany.
Three German civilians on a dirt road with cows in postwar Germany..
Photograph. Three civilians pushing a heavily laden cart down a country road. Europe. No date
Photograph. Three German soldiers standing line with rifles in a military camp in 1944 or 1945.
Photograph. Three medical personnel posing in a field in front of medical tents. Europe. No date
Three paratroopers sitting in and around a foxhole. Normandy. 1944
Three soldiers cooking and serving food under camoflauge in snow. "Cooks." Europe. Circa 1945
Photograph. Three soldiers in heavy winter overcoats pose on a road. Europe. No date
"Florennes, Belgium. Sept. 18, 1944. [Left to Right:] Jas. [James] G. Piluk, Francis Bealin, Alvah Mulherin." Belgium....
"Selden, Lutz, Olszewski in front of Dispensary. Iceland." A Nissen hut is in the background.
"Florennes, Belgium. Sept. 18, 1944. [Left to Right]: Jean Collige. Francis Bealin. Alvah Mulherin. Jas. [James] G....
Right to Left: '"Donald Dahill, Valentine, Jas. [James] G. Piluk. Belgium, 1944."
Right to Left: Valentine, Donald Dahill, James G. Piluk. Belgium. 1944
"Morgan, Frain, Wornell. They always go to church! Iceland." Three U.S. soldiers in parkas at Camp MacArthur, Iceland...
Three unidentified servicemen. Location unknown, probably Europe. Circa 1945
Photograph. Three very young men with arms around each other's shoulders, pose in front of a pup tent at an...
Photograph. Three young women sit on a blanket in a field. Personal caption on photo reverse: "3 gals." ETO. No date
Timber framed residential home in Alsace, France in 1945
The "entrance to a tobacco factory at Marburg, Germany, east of the Rhine River. This town received very little damage...
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey in uniform at Camp Wolters, Texas. Circa 1943
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey in jeep at Camp McKall, North Carolina, near Fort Bragg. Circa 1943
Thomas 'Tom' Blakey in uniform, with his brother Charles in civilian suit, at Camp Wolters, Texas. Circa 1943
Top of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany in April 1945.
