United Nations delegates during V-E Day ceremony, San Francisco, June 1945
Photograph. United Nations delegates Koo, Eden, Stettinius, and Bidault standing before flags during V-E Day ceremony. Official Caption: "Rome. 6/5/45--Victory observed at San Francisco--Four delegates to the United Nations Conference on International Organization stand before massed United Nations flags during a special V-E Day Ceremony. They are (left to right) V. K. Wellington Koo, Chinese Ambassador to Great Britain; British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, Chairman of his country's delegation; Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., Chairman of the U.S. Delegation, and Georges Bidault, French Foreign Minister and Chairman of his country's delegation. Secretary Stettinius told the delegates: 'We still have to win the same final and fighting victory over Japan that has now been won over Nazi Germany'.--OWI photo--Serviced by Rome OWI (A list out). Approved by appropriate military authority. 6584." San Francisco, California. 5 June 1945