Recently liberated Allied POWs pack their possessions, Aomori, Japan, 28 August 1945

Photograph. Two emaciated Allied prisoners of war packing their possessions after being freed from a Japanese internment camp. Official Caption: "Rome. 9/21/45. Allied soldiers, freed from Japanese internment, pack their possessions. Two emaciated Allied prisoners of war pack their meager possessions after being freed from a Japanese internment camp at Aomori, near Yokohama, major Japanese seaport city, by U.S. Navy forces on Aug. 28, 1945. A total of 1,494 Allied prisoners of war was [were] liberated in the Yokohama area by August 30. Allied prisoners released after Japan's capitulation on August 14, told of starvation diets, brutality, and torture at the Japanese prisoner of war camps. Photo through U.S.I.S. Rome (d list out) 43884-PPA. For display purposes only not for publication." Aomori, Japan. 28 August 1945