Major General John K. Cannon, Lt. General Mark W. Clark, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, Lt. General Richard McCreery, and Air Vice-Marshal W.F. Dickson pose in Florence on 26 November 1944.

139.Photograph. '26 Nov 44. CG-2609. Fifth Army, Florence Area, Italy. L-R: Major General John K. Cannon, C.G. 12th Air Force; Lt. General Mark W. Clark, C.G. Fifth Army; General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, C in C, AAI; Lt. General Richard McCreery, GOC, Eighth Army, and Air Vice-Marshal W.F. Dickson, RAF, Representing the 'fighting' high command in the Italian theater, pose in a hotel in Florence where they dined and held a brief meeting. Photo by Thomas. 3131 Signal Service Co.' Florence, Italy. 26 November 1944