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Raby, Glynn War's End and Discharge
Glynn G. Raby, Jr. was transferred to the 3rd Army and moved to Czechoslovakia. They arrived in pro-German territory,...
Moxon, Milton War's End and Discharge from the Army
Milton Moxon was evacuated to a military hospital in England after being severely wounded in Germany. He remained there...
Pocoroba, Joseph War's End and Going Home
[Annotator's Note: Pocoroba asks the interviewer to repeat himself several times throughout the interview.] Joseph...
Woodworth, Newell War's End and Occupation
[Annotator's Note: There is a buzzing sound throughout this clip.] After the war in Europe ended with VE-Day [Annotator...
Birns, Sid War's End and Occupation
When the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive, 16 December...
Staymates, Arthur War's End and Occupation Duty
As the war was coming to an end, Arthur Staymates and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 26th...
Schwartz, Bill War's End and Occupation Duty
Bill Schwartz's [Annotator's Note: assigned to the 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division] biggest nightmare...
Schulman, Shirley War's End and Postwar
Shirley Sandy Schulman and her husband, Hyman, corresponded daily through letters while he was deployed overseas in...
Currier, Al War's End and Postwar
Al Currier returned [Annotator's Note: from Attu Island, Alaska as a member of Company B, 1st Battalion, 159th Infantry...
Dahlstrom, Russell War's End and Postwar
The V-12 program [Annotator’s Note: V-12 US Navy College Training Program, 1943 to 1946] disbanded when the war was...
Hirsekorn, Fred War's End and Postwar Life
Fred Hirsekorn's unit [Annotators Note: Company C, 25th Tank Battalion, 14th Armored Division] did not engage German...
Reitmeier, George War's End and Postwar Life
George Reitmeier was assigned to the Lorient sector of Brittany [Annotator's Note: Brittany, France] where he remained...
Bell, Cecil War's End and Postwar Life
Cecil K. Bell crossed near Corsica to Southern France [Annotator's Note: during Operation Dragoon, Provence, Southern...
Van Matre, Russell War's End and Postwar Life
The Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note: Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter Offensive, 16 December 1944...
Snow, William War's End and Postwar Life
William L. Snow [Annotator's Note: with the 812th Bombardment Squadron, 482nd Bombardment Group] completed 35 missions...
Warren, Ennis War's End and Reflections
Ennis C. Warren completed his missions [Annotator’s Note: Warren was flight engineer on a Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress...
Stricklan, Mary War's End and Reflections
Mary R. Stricklan celebrated V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945] with her future husband. His...
Sussman, Marvin War's End and Returning Home
Following VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945], Marvin Sussman was stationed in the town of...
Martin, Oscar War's End and Returning to the United States
Oscar Otto Martin was in a nice town, living in a mayor's house on VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8...
Frothingham, Richard War's End in Europe
Richard Frothingham's unit [Annotator's Note: 656th Field Artillery Battalion] got word that they were being...
Cresswell, Constance War's End in Europe
There was excitement at Constance Cresswell's officers' club when Glenn Miller [Annotator's Note: US Army Air Forces...
MacCallum, Florence War's End in Paris
Florence MacCallum [Annotator’s Note: a citizen of England working for the U.S. Army Joint Chiefs of Staff in London,...
Hustead, Austin War's End, Going Home and Postwar Career
When they arrived at Giebelstadt, Germany, Austin Hustead's squadron [Annotator's Note: 81st Fighter Squadron, 50th...
Micklich, Richard Wars End and Reflections
Richard Micklich recalls the relief and happiness he felt on VE Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8 May...
Gurr, Robert Wartime News
Among his other responsibilities, Robert Gurr managed several newspaper routes during World War 2. As a paperboy, he...
Underwood, Antoinette Wartime Nursing Experiences
Antoinette Underwood and the hospital staff [Annotator's Note: of the 129th General Hospital] knew an invasion was...
Shoemaker, James War’s End
James Shoemaker's father returned home about nine months before the end of World War 2. He brought home McCampbell [...
Colgan, William War’s End
William Colgan served overseas with the 79th Fighter Squadron, 86th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force and flew in P-40s [...
Payn, Thomas War’s End and Discharge
Thomas Payn discussed how the allied ships detected U-boats [Annotator's Note: German submarines], and what happened...
Barnett, William War’s End and Occupation Duty
William M. Barnett [Annotator’s Note: with the 222nd Infantry Regiment, 42nd Infantry Division] first saw a dead G.I. [...
Bass, Stewart War’s End and Postwar
Stewart Bass and his squadron [Annotator's Note: Torpedo Squadron 9 (VT-9)] attacked Japanese supply ships with bombs...
Paschal, Robert War’s End and Postwar
Robert W. Paschal and his crew [Annotator’s Note: serving in the 613th Bombardment Squadron, 401st Bombardment Group]...
Newton, Cecil War’s End and Postwar
Cecil J. V. Newton fought with the 345th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division in Koblenz, Germany in March 1945....
Trim, Carl War’s End and Returning Home
Carl Trim says the tensest time on any trip at sea was when the captain would call everyone to general quarters [...
Boos, Michael War’s End, Returning Home and Reflections
Michael Wilford Boos had been with the 74th Station Hospital for three years and when they reached Marina, Pisa in...
Rippin, Elsie WAVES Experience
On the day she was discharged [Annotator's Note: from the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES);...
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