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Treating wounded
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Leisey, Mary "Mary Abbott" Treating the Wounded and Learning to be a Nurse
Mary Leisey saw a lot of leg injuries to go with a lot of men in full body casts. She thought they were fun to be...
Eisenach, John Treating the Wounded and War’s End
[Annotator’s Note: Can hear airplanes flying overhead throughout segment.] From January until July 1945, John R....
Friedenberg, Bernard Treating the Wounded on D-Day
Bernard Friedenberg found the D-Day Invasion [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6...
Knight, Edwin Treating Wounded
On one occasion, Edwin Knight removed a wounded man downhill by following a telephone wire. The wire split and changed...
Snyder, John Treating Wounded and Burials at Sea
After finishing his training, John Snyder was assigned to the USS Harry Lee (APA-10), which transported troops to North...
Tarrant, Eugene Treating Wounded and Performance of Duties
Eugene Tarrant has certain memories from the war that have stuck with him to this day. One night off of Guadalcanal,...
Angst, Lawrence Treating Wounded Soldiers
The first thing Lawrence Angst did when being shelled was jump in a foxhole. They learned how to protect themselves. He...
Hagans, Benjamin Treatment after Liberation
When Benjamin Hagans was on the ship coming back, his teeth started to settle. He put on 17 pounds in three weeks. He...
Allen, W. "Bill" Trips to Normandy
W. P. “Bill” Allen was a Navy medic assigned to the USS LST-523 [Annotator's Note: Landing Ship, Tank]. He developed...
Bussel, Norman Two Fellow Prisoners
Norman Bussel was a prisoner of war inn Nuremberg [Annotator’s Note: Stalag XIII-D Nürnberg Langwasser; built on former...
Smith, Bernard Typical Missions
Most of Bernard Smith's missions were to railroad marshalling yards. [Annotator's Note: SMith walks off camera for a...
Broll, Walter Unexploded Ordnance
Walter Broll saw chaos the next morning after the German attack on the port of Bari, Italy. Live and dead personnel...
Adams, J. Unforgettable Missions
Jones Quincy Adams, Jr. thinks the Norden bombsight [Annotator's Note: Norden Mk. XV tachometric bombsight] was a...
Flannigan, James Unit Assignment, Overseas Deployment and Combat Duties
James Flannigan was sent to Camp Carrabelle, Florida [Annotator's Note: after completing basic training at Fort Sill,...
Barber, Ernest USAHS Larkspur
After several months of training, Ernest Barber was sent to Charleston, South Carolina and assigned to the USAHS [...
Siverts, Hans Using German Prisoners and Following the Front Lines
Hans Siverts' activities in England were in several locations. His hospital [Annotator's Note: 4th Convalescent...
Norberg, Willard "Bill" USS Enterprise (CV-6) Returns to Action
Bill Norberg [Annotator's Note: aboard the USS Enterprise (CV-6)] paid a visit to the Kwajalein Islands [Annotator's...
Samuelson, Jack USS Louisville (CA-28)
Jack D. Samuelson was assigned with two other officers [Annotator’s Note: he was newly assigned to the USS Louisville (...
Bucksell, Norris V-E Day and Postwar Life
Norris Bucksell fired a gun for the first time on 8 May 1945, V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day], and...
Borne, Edwin Wake's Surrender
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. witnessed the end of the fighting on Wake Island. It was chaotic. He [Annotator’s Note: then US...
Hicks, Ora Pierce Walter Reed Hospital
Ora Hicks was one of the nurses to attend Yale University [Annotator's Note: Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut...
Sakato, George Wanting to Fly and the Use of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team
George Sakato discusses a Vietnam veteran that edits and tapes oral histories. He recalls that before the attack on...
Hope, Linda War and Bob Hope
Linda Hope realized that her father’s experience with servicemen during the war had a profound influence on his life [...
McEnery, James War Dogs and Combat Tactics
James McEnery liked having the Dobermans around. McEnery remembers a shipment of dogs being delivered to them at the...
Stewart, Roy War Dogs on Iwo Jima
Roy Stewart's unit [Annotator's Note: in the 23rd Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division] moved out [Annotator's Note:...
Graddy, J. War's End
Upon returning to the United States, J.D. Graddy was sent to Thayer General Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee to...
Ellzey, William War's End
William C. Ellzey, a corpsman in the US Navy, evacuated the wounded from Pacific islands and brought them back to the...
Thomas, Kenneth War's End
Kenneth F. Thomas treated a lot of bullet and shrapnel wounds when treating troops. He also treated civilian children...
Townsend, Joseph War's End
Joseph Townsend started to lose his teeth in 1955. The dentist told him that all his teeth were cracked at the ridge....
Moore, Charles War's End
Charles Moore was stationed in Orleans, France at the end of the war. He enjoyed the experience there. He had a...
Drake, Joseph War's End
Joseph J. Drake fought all the way through to Pilsen, Czechoslovakia [Annotator's Note: Plzeň (Pilsen), Czech Republic...
Zingheim, John War's End
Dr. John Julien Zingheim was not close to Remagen [Annotator's Note: Remagen, Germany]. He occasionally operated on...
Day, Morris "Gene" War's End
Morris Eugene Day ended up in the Ruhr Pocket [Annotator's Note: a massive Allied encirclement of German forces in the...
Harold, Paul War's End
Harold Paul [Annotator's Note: a paratrooper in Company A, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division]...
Habeeb, Albert War's End
Dr. Albert Habeeb was assigned as a flight surgeon in the China-Burma-India Theater and travelled to Burma for a four-...
Bronstein, Isador War's End
Isadore Bronstein advanced but his company [Annotator's Note: Company C, 1st Battalion, 386th Infantry Regiment, 97th...
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