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Shapiro, Lester Frenchy the Cajun
Lester Shapiro's experience before getting to Burma [Annotator's Note: present day Myanmar], was guarding some oil...
Mayes, Davis From Early Life to Attack on Pearl Harbor
Davis Gordon Mayes was born in February 1919 in Pontotoc, Texas. During his service in World War 2, he served on the...
Hatala, Albert From Europe to the Pacific
Not long after the Germans surrendered, Albert Hatala's battalion [Annotator's Note: Hatala was a member of...
Goodwin, Hersey From Iwo Jima to the Korean War
Hersey Goodwin flew one mission over Iwo [Annotator's Note: Iwo Jima, Japan] where they [Annotator's Note: 11th...
King, Rivers From New Orleans to Guadalcanal
Rivers Richardson King was born in October 1920 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Great Depression effected his family...
Murphy, Thomas From Soldier to Civilian
Thomas Murphy talks to high schools about the war. When a young girl asked him which of his medals he was the most...
Jackson, Arthur From the Marine Corps to the Army and Back Again
Arthur Jackson was awarded the Medal of Honor on 5 October 1945 during the Nimitz Day celebration in Washington D.C....
Stricklan, Mary From the WACs to the Pentagon
Mary R. Stricklan's uniform [Annotator's Note: in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) then Women's Army Corps (WAC...
Riggsby, Norman German Occupation and Nuremburg
Norman Riggsby worked as an MP [Annotator’s Note: military policeman] and as a judge. When they not on motorcycle...
Hurley, Wallace German POWs and War's End
Wallace Hurley contracted pneumonia during the Battle of the Bulge. He was in the hospital for four days. Following his...
Massey, Joseph Germans and Russians
Joseph Massey was discharged as a PFC [Annotator's Note: Private First Class]. There were no promotions. He was only a...
Bebko, Robert Germans, Home, Discharged
Some of the Germans were good. Robert Stephen Bebko felt sorry for the kids. At Saarbrucken [Annotator's Note:...
Baumgarten, Harold Getting an Education and The National WWII Museum
On the 13 February 1945, Harold Baumgarten took his discharge papers to the Bronx County Courthouse. By 14 February, he...
Jerabek, Gene Getting Married in Italy
Gene R. Jerabek's [Annotator's Note: a lieutenant in the US Army Nurse Corps with the 8th Evacuation Hospital] husband...
Massengale, Louis Getting Out and Re-Enlisting
Occasionally, Louis Massengale said, the guys would pull little tricks, and he described a "hot foot." When lit, a...
Walker, Mort Getting Out of the Army
One day, Mort Walker heard on the radio that the war was over so he arranged for a train to take all of the Germans,...
Weatherwax, Clarence "Uncle Herb" Getting Out of the Army
Clarence Herbert Weatherwax was in the town of Bad Ems, Germany. They located some alcohol and he got intoxicated. He...
Verlander, David Getting Out of the Army
David Verlander attended the graduation of his former classmates from Officer Candidate School, and, as was the...
Rockforte, Joseph Going Home
From Munich they [Annotator's Note: Joseph Rockforte and his fellow newly liberated POWs] went to Le Havre. Rockforte...
Pale, Vincent Going Home
When Vincent Pale and his fellow prisoners were liberated by General Patton [Annotator's Note: US Army Lieutenant...
Colbert, Hugh Going Home
After spending one day in Paris, France, Hugh Colbert boarded a train for Le Havre, France in Normandy. Upon arriving...
Mermelstein, Seymour "Cy" Going Home
After the Germans surrendered, Seymour Mermelstein was part of rounding them up to send back to Germany. [Annotator's...
Damonte, Emmanuel Going Home
When the 32nd Division [Annotator's Note: 32nd Infantry Division] was called back, Emmanuel Damonte was transferred to...
Jostad, Glen Going Home
Following their liberation, Glen Jostad and over 100,000 other POWs were gather together and eventually flown out for...
Wichterich, George Going Home
Before George Wichterich went overseas he was in Camp Miles Standish near Boston for a couple weeks getting his shots...
Coolidge, Charles Going Home
Charles Coolidge discusses his reunion with his family. When he got to Camp Atterbury he went to the Top Sergeant and...
Romano, Joseph Going Home
Joseph Romano had mixed feelings about going home. He got disappointed when he went to Camp Kilmer [Annotator's Note:...
Sacks, John Going Home
The trip home took 11 days. After docking in Norfolk they [Annotator's Note: John Sacks and his fellow newly liberated...
Blackwell, Astley Going Home and Looking Back
Astley Blackwell’s ship [Annotator's Note: the USS St. Lo (CVE-63)] was sunk on 25 October [Annotator's Note: 25...
Bergbower, Harold Going Home and Re-Enlisting
Harold Bergbower remembers the freedom to eat as much as he wanted after he was freed from the Japanese POW [Annotator'...
Durocher, Edmund Going Home and Reflections
Edmund Durocher spent three months on Pavuvu. The Marine brass cut the division [Annotator's Note: the 1st Marine...
Huber, Robert Going Home and Reflections
Robert Huber and the rest of his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 3rd Battalion, 415th Infantry Regiment, 104th...
Hazard, Mark Going Home on Leave and the End of the War
Mark Gordon Hazard, Jr. and Caudill [Annotator's Note: unsure of spelling, but this was Hazard's Sergeant] went to Le...
Bosworth, Paul Going Home, Being Discharged and Reflections
The camp [Annotator's Note: Camp Lucky Strike, between Cany and Saint-Valery, France] was Seventh Heaven. They [...
Goodrich, James Going Home, Stateside Duty and Discharge
James Goodrich was taken from Iwo Jima to a hospital on Guam. He was on Guam for about 12 or 13 days before being...
Chinnis, Edward Going to College and Losing His Brother
Edward Chinnis was ready to go home after the war but he did have a lot of fun in the Navy. After leaving the Navy, he...
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