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Lloyd Reese was the bombardier on a Consolidated B-24 Liberator that was shot down over Ploiești, Romania. He says...
Louis Liberato had never experienced death before he went to Europe. He was loaded into a boxcar [Annotator's Note:...
George H. Roxandich [Annotator's Note: wounded and captured by Germans while serving with Company B, 415th Infantry...
After becoming a POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war], Gilbert Clift was taken back to the German positions where he...
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] said to himself the Americans had no manners or did not...
On 19 March 1945, Linwood S. Inscoe was on a mission [Annotator's Note: with 22nd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group...
[Annotator's Note: Leroy Redmond served in the Army as a tank crewman in Combat Command A, 14th Armored Division and...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Guitard was assigned to the Prisoner of War Enclosure 339, Prisoner of War Information Bureau...
Richard Willett got into a mountainous area. His jeep driver was from North Carolina. A Lieutenant decided to ride in...
Clarence Becker was promoted to G-3, Operations Officer, in January 1945. He had been a Flight Commander until that...
Donald Hoff [Annotator's Note: a rear seat gunner and radio operator on Douglas SBD Dauntless dive bombers in Scouting...
Joseph Pocoroba went to Columbia, South Carolina for basic training. He found it easy. When he first went in, he had KP...
[Annotator's Note: There is a very loud humming noise throughout this clip.] When he hit the beach [Annotator's Note:...
[Annotator's Note: Joseph O'Donnell was a prisoner on the Black March in February 1945.] One officer guard got them...
The Germans were very proud people. They always managed to put on hats and some kind of gloves. Somehow or other, John...
Norris Bucksell says he needs a lot of sleep. He goes to mass every night. [Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks him...
Once home, Norman Bussel had trouble adjusting. Any sort of noise would set him off. A man slammed the trunk of a taxi...
Melvin Dahlberg's first time abroad was in Italy which was very rundown. The local people were begging for food. He...
Norman Bussel knew he was not going to be very good company if he did not have some alcohol to drink. He would have to...
Joseph Monteyne goes to schools with about 15 others to talk about the war. The kids are super attentive. His own...
[Annotator's Note: There is an odd tape break which makes it hard to know what is being discussed at first.] Gwendolyn...
Paul Sparacino [Annotator's Note: Sparacino served aboard the USS Princeton (LPH-5) during Operation Dominic, series of...
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 5th Marine Division] felt that capturing combat on film was very...
Simon Braitman was nine years old when the Germans attacked Poland in September 1939. About a month and a half later,...
Lester Hecht's commanding officer's name was John L. Smith [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Colonel John Lucian Smith...
George Mitchell received orders to go to Quantico [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia]. His wife...
Robert Jagers went to boot camp at Great Lakes Naval Training Center [Annotator's Note: Naval Station Great Lakes in...
Bobby C. Wilson was responsible for keeping inventory and books. He was sent to Pendleton [Annotator's Note: Marine...
When Luba Keller was walking from her concentration camp to work in the munitions factory she would talk to God and ask...
On one raid, Bernard Smith remembers a plane behind them burst into flames. His first reaction was that it was pretty....
John Wesley Tatum left Fiji [Annotator's Note: Fiji, Oceania] to go to Goodenough Island [Annotator's Note: Goodenough...
When Henry Parham's unit [Annotator's Note: 320th Antiaircraft Barrage Balloon Battalion, Very Low Altitude (Colored)]...
Lee O. McKinnon stayed in the Navy until 1947. The Navy made good progress. When he first enlisted, there was no Navy...
Lawrence Winnier cannot really blame the people because it [Annotator's Note: racial discrimination in the service] was...
After Saint-Lo [Annotator's Note: Saint-Lô, France], Joseph Alter and his outfit [Annotator's Note: 1340th Engineer...
Arthur Spaulding was in Luxembourg [Annotator's Note: with 2nd Platoon, Company B, 91st Chemical Mortar Battalion],...
