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William Wayne went from Honolulu [Annotator's Note: Honolulu, Hawaii] to Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan, Mariana...
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 5th Marine Division] stopped in Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan...
When Kenneth H. Bailey landed on Utah Beach [Annotator's Note: Utah Beach, Normandy, France], they drove the LST [...
William Smith was in Australia for about two weeks. They pulled some shenanigans. He and his crew were sent to Brisbane...
Robert Jagers' ship [Annotator's Note: the USS LST-351] had no defensive weapons. They started out with three-inch 50s...
William Anderson first saw the new destroyers with the twin, five inch guns after the USS Reid (DD-369) had been hit by...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Abner Aust to describe the mission where he shot down three Japanese Franks -...
Robert G. Aldous and his crew flew their last mission out of Okinawa [Annotator's Note: Okinawa, Japan]. It was going...
Another squadron hit Formosa [Annotator's Note: Republic of Formosa; present day Taiwan]. [Annotator's Note: Lawrence...
George Culpepper's [Annotator's Note: as the communications officer aboard PC-1122] commanding officer on PC-1122,...
Darrell D. Gust's second, third and fourth missions happened one day apart. Then a fog moved in, grounding the group [...
Frank A. Wiswall was a bombardier in the 8th Air Force. His worst missions were to Bremen, Germany, dropping bombs on...
[Annotator's Note: Audio is not good throughout this clip.] Marvin Raymond Graham was released from a hospital a few...
Walter Rozett's last mission [Annotator's Note: with the 369th Bombardment Squadron, 306th Bombardment Group, 8th Air...
Stephen Ananian only knew he had flown his last mission after he landed, and his commander told him. Ananian wanted to...
On his fifth and final mission to Ploesti [Annotator’s Note: Ploesti, Romania], Theodore “Ted” R. Rogal [Annotator’s...
Joseph Blouin did not fly any missions after D-Day [Annotator's Note: Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June...
[Annotator's Note: Throughout this clip interview, Clarence Edward "Ed" Riggs, Jr. refers to papers he is holding as he...
The fog finally lifted after months of bad weather, and on December 26, 1944, Michael J. "Mike" Pohorilla [Annotator's...
Harry Carlson feels his most eventful missions were the nighttime missions over Japan. They were frightening at times...
Marthe Cohn needed to get the information she was gathering as a French spy in Germany, back to her headquarters often...
Joseph Romano has stories, but it is like going to confession and forgetting your sins. He has a lot of experience....
Thomas Landrum was an Army clerk at a school in England. It was an engineering school. The Bailey bridge [Annotator's...
[Annotator's Note: Alice Howie's husband was killed in an aerial dogfight in Europe.] Howie was very sad when the war...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Leon Bass if he has any personal regrets regarding his service during World War...
Louis Andriano served during World War 2 because he does not think he had a choice. His father said he had to either...
Alan Moskin had difficulty sleeping during his occupation duty [Annotator's Note: in Europe from 8 May 1945 to 1 March...
Angelo Ciotta appreciates what some of the vets of today are going through. Back in World War 2 there were Section 8s [...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks about two ships, the Patria and the Struma that carried Jewish refugees to the...
Roswell Weil was on Omaha Beach [Annotator's Note: Omaha Beach, Normandy, France] bringing in supplies. His depot [...
[Annotator's Note: Erna Deiglmayr worked for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, UNRRA, in...
Raymond Hayes' most memorable experience of the war was going aboard ships and doing what he had to do. Like it or not...
John Bellecci does not think that American society today understands World War 2. Education is what won that war for us...
Eugene Yackel and Cranston Rogers [Annotator's Note: later US Army Colonel Cranston R. "Chan" Rogers] got along well....
Robert Guitard could tell we were no longer at war when women could buy silk stockings, and everyone could buy butter....
Anton Jaber did not use the G.I. Bill. He was on ROTC [Annotator's Note: Reserve Officer Training Corps] duty for five...
