Prisoner of war experience

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Seymour "Sy" Lichtenfeld was stripped of his valuables after he was taken prisoner of war. [Annotator's Note:...
Norman William Waldman [Annotator's Note: after being captured by the Germans after jumping on D-Day, the Allied...
Edwin Joseph Borne, Jr. first encountered Japanese assault troops soon after Devereux [Annotator's Note: then US Marine...
[Annotator's Note: Gerhard Franzky served in the Waffen SS as a communications officer in Headquarters, 22nd Regiment,...
Howard Robert Charles became a prisoner of war [Annotator's Note: after the sinking of the USS Houston (CA-30) in...
Bryghte Davis Godbold was shipped to Shanghai from Wake Island after its fall. He was taken to an empty compound near...
Luke Layton McLaurine, Jr. was taken by train to Frankfurt [Annotator's Note: Frankfurt, Germany] with his crew and...
Harold Gournay was captured by the Germans and taken by truck from Yugoslavia to Austria. [Annotator's Note: Gournay...
Max Finesmith did not have time to think after his bomber had been fatally damaged. Everything was happening so fast...
[Annotator's Note: John Paul served in the US Army Air Forces as a pilot flying Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy...
Henry Freedman and his fellow POWs [Annotator's Note: prisoners of war] were loaded in "40 and 8" boxcars and were in a...
Monroe S. Wolyn was shown the railroad tickets. They went from Berlin to Frankfurt [Annotator’s Note: Berlin and...
Thomas Bondola was held with about 150 other prisoners in a compound surrounded by barbed wire fencing [Annotator’s...
Peter Hirschmann [Annotator's Note: a member of Company F, 2nd battalion, 310th Infantry Regiment, 78th Infantry...
Louis Liberato had never experienced death before he went to Europe. He was loaded into a boxcar [Annotator's Note:...
George H. Roxandich [Annotator's Note: wounded and captured by Germans while serving with Company B, 415th Infantry...
Walter Bowsher was captured and then sent to China in February. [Annotator’s Note: Bowsher was a member of the 1st...
After becoming a POW [Annotator's Note: prisoner of war], Gilbert Clift was taken back to the German positions where he...
Paul Lefever said he was not mistreated by his German captors, but was taken into town and left in a dark loft without...
Walter Bowsher was sent to Hokkaido, Japan to a prisoner of war, or POW, camp. He arrived at Hakodate Number 2 prison...
George F. Mills [Annotator's Note: captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge or German Ardennes Counter...
Ralph “Bud” Ginrich made a few friends in the prison camps [Annotator’s Note: he had been captured at Sidi Bou Zid,...
Karl Friedrich "Charley” König [Annotator's Note: or Koenig] said to himself the Americans had no manners or did not...
After the Japanese invaded the Philippines, Paul Kerchum and his company were ordered to report to Bataan [Annotator’s...
On 19 March 1945, Linwood S. Inscoe was on a mission [Annotator's Note: with 22nd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group...
Joy Skelton had unidentifiable nightmares during 9-11 [Annotator's Note: the terrorist attacks on the United States on...
[Annotator's Note: Joseph O'Donnell was a prisoner on the Black March in February 1945.] One officer guard got them...
Walter Gaterman had post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD decades after the war. He met Vietnam veterans who had it...
At the first prisoner of war camp, Pearson Riddle had to work hauling earth and material in a giant cart. Riddle did...
Alexander Jefferson went into Stalag Luft III [Annotator's Note: then in Sagan, Germany; now Żagań, Poland] with about...
Richard F. Penwell departed California and arrived in Dobodura, New Guinea but soon departed for Leyte [Annotator's...
When asked about what the prisoners in Theresienstadt had to eat, Ela Weissberger described how her mother worked for...
Ela Weissberger said she was saddened by the assassination of King Hussein [Annotator's Note: King Hussein bin Talal of...
Jack Skaggs realized that he had been on a long journey in his life. That journey has brought him pride and enjoyment....
From that point on Robert Max became somewhat delirious. He was taken to a field hospital where doctors were working...
Barbara Pathe got her assignment from headquarters in Dijon. Her assignment was to join the 45th Infantry Division....
