Prisoner experiences

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Peter Somogyi found that when he was in officer's school in Israel, he faced a big problem. His fellow trainees who had...
John Bradley suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder according to what his wife tells him, due to his experiences in...
James Bollich's younger brother never made it overseas. One brother died in a fighter pilot accident and the other died...
Harry Snyder stayed in Berlin until his points [Annotator's Note: a point system was devised based on a number of...
James Livaudais saw that the German troops in Ludwigslust, Germany tried their best not to be taken prisoner by the...
Ben Steele worked two miles underground in a Japanese coal mine. It was very tight because of the way the ground...
Howard Chandler feels it is important to teach the Holocaust so it is not repeated. It is necessary to know the history...
Ralph Francis Hogan was a staff sergeant when he was discharged at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. He was stationed at...
Wanda Damberg’s wounded friend [Annotator’s Note: shot during the liberation of Los Baños] survived and went on to...
Peter Somogyi survived the gas chambers twice. That unique survival resulted from him being a twin. [Annotator's Note:...
John Ream remembers being in the convalescent hospital and seeing them bring out a flamethrower [Annotator's Note:...
Robert Inghram was shot down early in the war [Annotator's Note: during the Dieppe raid in August 1942]. He was given...
[Annotator's Note: Rosemarie Weber was an American civilian interned in the Santo Thomas internment camp in Manila,...
Milton L. McMullen, Sr. thinks the aftereffects of the bombings around Tokyo [Annotator's Note: Tokyo, Japan] was the...
Judith Altmann still has terrible dreams. Fortunately, because of her positive outlook, she doesn't allow memories of...
Delbert Wombacher was in Reims [Annotator's Note: Reims, France]. A call came out from headquarters, who knew they had...
[Annotator's Note: Maud Dahme and her sister were reunited with their parents in April 1945 after hiding from the Nazis...
Nathan Taffel began to speak for concentration camp survivors. He has continued to do so across the country for 15...
After three years of being in an internment camp [Annotator's Note: Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment...
George Morgan mentioned Kauffman as being the only superintendant of the Naval Academy who followed his father in that...
Donald Scott and his fellow prisoners of war were told by the liberating British soldiers to sit and wait for someone...
Francis Dymnicki boarded a ship in England right after V-E Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945] to...
Frank Dolsen, [Annotator's Note: a prisoner of war in Germany] was liberated by Patton [Annotator's Note: US Army...
Henry Langrehr returned to the United States and got a 60 day furlough home. He met his parents and he got married...
Don Tallon [Annotator's Note: a liberated former prisoner of war in Magdeburg, Germany] saw of couple of his former...
Therese Wadsworth Warne [Annotator's Note: An American child prisoner in the Philippines during World War 2] was...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Prince helped liberate the Cabanatuan Prison Camp, Cabanatuan City, Luzon, Philippines on 30...
Edward Dunne [Annotator's Note: a crewmen aboard the USS LST-53] has no particular memory of D-Day [Annotator's Note: D...
Peter Somogyi was contacted by Eva Kor and met other twins in the United States. [Annotator's Note: Dr. Josef Mengele...
Norman Bussel was wandering around Moosburg, Germany after being liberated. He stayed with soldiers who were driving...
[Annotator's Note: Robert Guitard was assigned to the Prisoner of War Enclosure 339, Prisoner of War Information Bureau...
Vera Goodkin [Annotator's Note: née Herman] saw Raoul Wallenberg [Annotator's Note: Raoul Gustaf Wallenberg; Swedish...
Thomas Michael Holt's Ranger training was arduous [Annotator's Note: the 1st Ranger Battalion]. Darby [Annotator's Note...
Lyle Bouck thought about escaping twice. Reid [Annotators Note: Bouck’s friend Matt Reid] and Bouck were on a detail...
1 day a train loaded with bomb shells came into the camp and as it came through the camp a routine safety check found a...
They were putting the gas into the vehicles that were selected to make the rest of the trip. Lyle Bouck recalled seeing...
