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Keith Kiefer was born in January 1957 in Longview, Texas. In school, he did not get taught about World War 2 until...
When Alfred Dearman would come on duty for the morning shift as a jailer, the midnight shift would have had the...
Arnold Spielberg worked for RCA [Annotator's Note: Radio Corporation of America] and was in charge of designing the...
George Wiswell learned how to dive in the Navy. Wiswell was given a sheet of commands for line pulls under water as...
[Annotator's Note: The interview starts mid conversation.] William Martin was drafted in January 1943. He was lucky he...
Donald Dean Paynter came back, finished school with an engineering degree, and went to work for Shell Oil Company. He...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks George Wiswell what it was like when the war ended.] Thank goodness it was over...
Donald Dean Paynter always had problems with his heated suit and would be freezing. He would have to go on oxygen at 12...
Thomas Wicker recalled the day before the Japanese surrender, they had to fuel the USS Missouri (BB-63). The ship had a...
It wasn't easy for Martin Baranek to fit into society after the war because his formative years were bereft of...
[Annotator's Note: Malcolm Ernest was a prisoner of war at Camp O'Donnell on Luzon, Philippines.] Ernest was among a...
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks William Nesser about why he was not part of the Murmansk run PQ-17, an Atlantic...
Carey Suratt left the Navy when his enlistment time was completed. In 1950, someone recommended Suratt join a new Army...
Marthe Cohn was the chief of a hospital at the DMZ [Annotator's Note: the Demilitarized Zone, Vietnam; then French...
Earl Ervin Clark and the 10th Mountain Division were returning by sea when they heard about the United States dropping...
A lot of people learned a lot of important lessons from World War 2. If we did not think about it, analyze it, and...
[Annotator's Note: There is an odd cut in video here.] Ernest Gross was sent from Auschwitz [Annotator's Note:...
Perry Smith saw the Second World War as a turning point for the United States. No longer could the nation back out of...
Annaliese Nossbaum came across letters she and her mother had written after their liberation from Mauthausen [Annotator...
Ivan Bodis-Wollner was put on trains and taken from Bergen-Belsen [Annotator's Note: Bergen-Belsen concentration camp...
On 9 April [Annotator's Note: 9 April 1945], Russian shock troops burst into the hospital where Wendell Galbraith was a...
The Russians [Annotator's Note: 262nd Rifle Division, 113 Infantry Corps] liberated Malcolm Ernest [Annotator's Note:...
After returning to the United States, Gwendolyn Mugliston's father decided to return as a family to the Philippines. He...
Word from intelligence was that Hitler [Annotator's Note: German dictator Adolf Hitler] would make a stand in Bavaria [...
Robert Wolff was liberated in January 1945. They could hear Berlin [Annotator’s Note: Berlin, Germany] being bombed....
Itka Bloch remembers the first tank coming in [Annotator's Note: to liberate the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp near...
Seymour "Sy" Lichtenfeld was liberated by Russian soldiers [Annotator's Note: he was a prisoner of war in Stalag III-B...
Eveline Peardon and her siblings visited the young soldiers every day after D-Day [Annotator’s Note: the 6 June 1944...
Leanne Blinzler Noe [Annotator's note: a child internee at Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila Internment Camp,...
Judah Samet left by train and remembers passing through Berlin [Annotator's Note: Berlin, Germany] where ruins were...
Joseph Komito traveled many days on a train not knowing where he was bound [Annotator's Note: the Germans were...
[Annotator's Note: Gerda Klein, who was liberated from a slave labor camp can be very difficult to understand at points...
Anne Levy initially thought the Russian liberators were going to be better than the German oppressors. She would...
Susan Magnuson Devoe remembers being liberated [Annotator's Note: from the Santo Tomas Internment Camp, or, Manila...
One night, Anna Maria Giamberardino and a friend decided to go see where the couples would hang out. They saw some men...
Luke Layton McLaurine, Jr. was liberated on 29 April [Annotator's Note: 29 April 1945]. A pitched battle was fought...
