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Herndon Inge, Junior got off the ship in New York [Annotator's Note: New York, New York] and got on ferry boats to Camp...
Alfred Dietrick had no problem becoming a civilian whatsoever. He was just thankful that he came back. He had one dream...
Harold Ronson came home in the late summer of 1946. There was no big band or homecoming. His father had remarried the...
When Austin H. Kiplinger returned to civilian life, he had no secondary effects. He was fortunate it being a little...
Minnie Marcella Oleskey Shimp [Annotator's Note: a Pharmacist's Mate in the United States Navy Nurse Corps] returned...
Coming back to the United States was better than going over for William King. King did not like the regimentation of...
After returning home, Clayton Hall went to work with an oil company for a week. He then went to work in a harvest field...
Garland Bath boarded a transport and went to either Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands] or Guam...
James McDermott was at Moosburg [Annotator’s Note: Stalag VII-A in Moosburg, Germany] when the Germans surrendered. He...
Eugene Vaadi remained in the military after he was liberated from Moosburg, Germany [Annotator’s Note: Stalag VII A (...
Robert Philips came home, took advantage of the G.I. Bill and went to the University of Oregon [Annotator's Note: in...
Alfred Dearman had never seen a tv [Annotator's Note: television] and kept reading about them. Another of his buddy and...
Robert G. Aldous and his crew were on Ie-Shima [Annotator's Note: Ie-Shima, Japan] at the time [Annotator's Note: of...
Albert Pultz Lochra, Jr. went to London [Annotator's Note: London, England] on a three-day pass [Annotator's Note: an...
Robert Guitard took a Baltic [Annotator's Note: Baltic means relating to the Baltic Sea in Europe] trip and went to...
When William McCowen [Annotator's Note: a pilot in the Strategic Air Command of the US Air Force] came home from Korea...
When Herbert W. Ridyard sailed the Atlantic [Annotator's Note: Atlantic Ocean] back to the United States, he never was...
Coming home from Japan was a joyous time for Don Daniels. His brother was already out of the service. They tried to get...
Peter Somogyi returned to his hometown and met his mother's cousin, Mickey, and some other male survivors [Annotator's...
In 1942, Betty Soskin was a clerk in a segregated union hall in Richmond [Annotator's Note: Richmond, California]. She...
James Wilson's good friend John Oliveri [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps Sergeant John James Oliveri] was intelligent...
Skip Muck [Annotator's Note: Sergeant Warren H. "Skip" Muck] and Alex Penkala [Annotator's Note: Private First Class...
Calvin Blank was drafted into the Army [Annotator's Note: in 1945]. He was five foot six and weighed 118 pounds. When...
Looking back, F.M. Richard Simons and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 3rd Battalion, 87th Mountain Infantry...
Thomas Joseph Lemme remained in recovery in the hospital until the end of the war [Annotator's Note: he had been...
Edwin Slomka was in the hospital until June [Annotator's Note: June 1945], when he was shipped down to the George...
James Nannini says it was freezing in Europe. They never went inside and had to endure the frigid weather. [Annotator's...
Frank Stewart was in the hospital on Espiritu Santos. After about ten days, he decided to go down the hall to the...
One day, Edward Zarger's outfit [Annotator's Note: Company A, 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry...
Donald Evans had a couple of operations and could see [Annotator's Note: after being wounded when his armored car was...
John Scott Campbell says that Westbrook Pegler [Annotator's Note: Francis James Westbrook Pegler, American journalist...
When Melbourne Sanford Courtney 's company [Annotator's Note: Company B, 1st Battalion, 179th Infantry Regiment, 45th...
[Annotator's Note: Alan Moskin took part in the liberation of Gunskirchen Lager, a subcamp of the Mauthausen-Gusen...
John Ream gives his account of Huey Newton [Annotator’s Note: the Black Panther Party leader and founder]. The Panthers...
Alan Moskin thought we [Annotator's Note: the United States] had gotten rid of all of it [Annotator's Note: the hatred...
In the whole time James Buckley was on duty in the Pacific [Annotator's Note: as Deck Officer on the USS LST-1013], he...
