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Osterhoudt, Ralph In the Army
[Annotator’s Note: At the beginning of the segment, the interviewer explains to interviewee how the interview will run...
Kitching, Charles In the Army
Charles Kitching was born in October 1925 in Sanford, Maine. He had one sister that is 10 years younger than him. Due...
Fitzpatrick, Thomas In the Army Air Corps
Dr. Thomas Fitzpatrick was born in September 1924 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His family lived in a rural area...
Goad, Roy In the Army Now
[Annotator’s Note: The video glitches throughout the segment.] Roy D. Goad and his twin brother, Ray, joined the...
Balabanow, William In the Merchant Marines
William Balabanow was born in February 1926 in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. His stepfather was a miner. During the...
Robinson, Stewart In the Navy
Stewart W. Robinson was born in March 1925 in Liverpool, Pennsylvania. One of 16 children, he grew up on a farm. Times...
Chatterton, Charles In the Navy
Charles Chatterton was born in Somerville, Massachusetts in November 1925. and grew up in the nearby town of Quincy. He...
Johnson, Raleigh In the Navy
Raleigh W. Johnson Jr. was born in October 1926 in Houston, Texas. He attended public school from primary to high...
Thompson, Judge In the Navy
Judge Gordon Thompson was born in June 1926 in Perry County, Alabama. He grew up with two sisters on a hundred-acre...
Fili, William In the Village Jail
[Annotator's Note: William Fili, his tail gunner, and radio operator were all captured and placed in a village jail...
Hackler, Maurice "Hack" Inauguration into the Eighth Air Force
For bombardier training, Maurice Hackler went to Deming, New Mexico. He worked with the Norden bombsight over the...
Shown, Donald Indianapolis and the Atomic Bomb
Donald Herbert Shown and his ship [Annotator’s Note: USS Indianapolis (CA-35)] completed delivery of atomic bomb [...
Madden, Paul Induction into the Army
Paul Hilton Madden Jr. was born in Homer, Louisiana in June 1925 and grew up in Shreveport [Annotator’s Note:...
Dyer, Jimmie Infantry Training and Overseas Deployment
Jimmie Dyer went through infantry training at Camp Pendleton, California. When he landed at Guadalcanal, where the 6th...
Bondola, Thomas Infantry Training, Deployment and Capture
Thomas Bondola received his training with a regiment in his division [Annotator’s Note: 26th Infantry Division, no...
Spinato, Angelo Infantry Unit Assignments
Angelo Joseph Spinato went to Camp Maxey [Annotator's Note: in Lamar County, Texas] and all of the men had to stand in...
Muller, Henry Infighting between Generals
[Interviewer asks about the planning of the operation at Los Baños Internment Camp, Los Baños, Philippines] Henry...
Brooks, Curtis Initial Liberation of Santo Tomas
On 3 February 1945, nine American planes flew over the camp very low and slow. Curtis Brooks told his brother he...
Mayes, Robert Injured in German Attack
A month after the Battle of the Bulge, Robert Mayes' unit [Annotator's Note: 12th Field Artillery Observation Battalion...
Dietrick, Alfred Injured out of Combat
Alfred Dietrick took a patrol [Annotator's Note: of men from Company B, 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th...
Keller, Richard Injuries and Losses
[Annotator's Note: Richard Keller served in the Army as the company commander of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 148th...
Ramsey, Rosemary Jane Insults, Fireside Chats, and Celebrations
At times, it was rough for Rosemary Ramsey as an Italian in America. The worst was Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She and her...
Bucksell, Norris Integrated but Segregated Still
President Truman [Annotator's Note: President Harry S. Truman] integrated the military. Norris Bucksell's brother-in-...
Campbell, John Integration in Merchant Marine
In 1944, John Campbell came back from Karachi Annotator's Note: Karachi, Pakistan] with a load of British trucks to...
Monteyne, Joseph Intelligence Work and Postwar Life
Joseph Monteyne worked briefly in intelligence [Annotator's Note: after finishing his missions as a navigator in the...
Baxter, Lionel Interactions with Civilians
Lionel Baxter and his unit [Annotator's Note: Battery A, 941st Field Artillery Battalion] went through the outskirts of...
Doroff, Lorraine Interactions with Men and Women
Lorraine Doroff [Annotator's Note: while serving in the Women's Army Corps or WAC; women's branch of the Army from 1942...
Schraub, Jesse Interest in Chemistry
Jesse Schraub was born in Brooklyn, New York [Annotator's Note: Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs in New York, New...
Noe, Leanne Interned Life in the Philippines
Leanne Blinzler Noe attended classes with several other children where they learned Tagalog [Annotator's Note: an...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Internment at Santo Tomas
When the Japanese ceased the bombing [Annotator's Note: Fall of the Philippines, invasion by the Empire of Japan, 8...
Brooks, Curtis Internment at Santo Tomas
Curtis Brooks and his family were told by a Japanese civilian to move to Santo Tomas [Annotator's Note: to the Santo...
Irvine, Elizabeth "Elizabeth Lautzenheiser" Internment Camp Hospital
Elizabeth Lautzenheiser Irvine and the other internees were very leery of their Japanese captors. They were not all bad...
Devoe, Susan Internment Camp Life
[Annotator's Note: Susan Magnuson Devoe and her family were forced into the Santo Tomas Internment Camp or Manila...
Doi, Jimmy Internment, Defense Plants and Experiencing Racism
Jimmy Doi and his family were informed in March [Annotator's Note: March 1942] that they were being sent to an...
Lorenzen, Angus Interred in Manila
There was a nice beach [Annotator's Note: in a cove along the Batang Peninsula] where Angus Lorenzen and his fellow...
Stern, Guy Interrogating a Former Neighbor
Guy Stern rarely interrogated civilians during the war. His partner, Kurt Jasen did interrogate some German businessmen...
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