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Bussel, Norman Good Luck Charm
Norman Bussel’s pilot wanted him and the engineer, [Annotator’s Note: Staff Sergeant William Peters, top turret gunner...
Hardy, George Graduation and Commission
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks about Dr. Rothacker Smith, a medic in the Medical Section, 2nd Battalion, 366th...
Stefaniak, Joe Graignes and Carentan, France
Joseph Stefaniak's guys blew up an armored car and took all of the money out of it. They thought the money was no good...
Nossbaum, Anneliese Grandmothers
Annaliese Nossbaum was in Theresienstadt [Annotator’s Note: Theresienstadt; transit camp and ghetto; Terezin, Czech...
Shima, Terry Grant Ichikawa
Terry Shima is grateful to be interviewed by the National Military Museum [Annotator's Note: The National WWII Museum...
Barnette, Kenneth Great Depression
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee talks for about four minutes about a recent event.] Kenneth Barnette was born in...
O'Brien, Richard Great Depression and Army Training
Richard J. O’Brien was born in September 1924 in Wessington, South Dakota with three sisters. Richard only lived in...
Moskin, Alan Great Depression and Pearl Harbor
Alan Moskin's father's side is American through and through. His was mother was about two or three years old when she...
Martin, James Great Depression in Dayton
[Annotator’s Note: There is a person off screen that relays the interviewer’s questions to the interviewee throughout...
Meader, Byron Great Depression to Army Life
Byron Herbert Meader was born in May 1919 in Ellsworth, Maine. His father worked as a laborer. During the Great...
Brock, Pete Great Depression to Breakout of War
Pete Brock was born in April 1926 in Columbia, South Carolina. He grew up with a twin brother and two sisters. His...
Ellis, Frederick Great Depression to Gunnery Officer
Frederick Ellis was born in Amite, Louisiana in October 1924. His father's business failed in the Great Depression and...
Black, Louis Great Depression to the Air Corps
Louis Black was born in Chicago, Illinois in December 1923. He grew up with one sister. His father was a jazz musician...
Kleindienst, Alfons "Al" Greenbrier Hotel
Alfons Robert Kleindienst's father [Annotator's Note: Alfons Georg Kleindienst], a German diplomat, did not approve of...
Jeffrey, Wallace Ground Air Support
Wallace Jeffery and the 300 or so troops in his unit got together after Paris. [Annotator’s Note: the unit was the...
Brukman, Jack Ground Crewman
Jack Brukman realized that there was nothing to do when he was off duty [Annotator's Note: while serving as a ground...
Howard, William Ground Crews
William Howard went to Scotland. His father was born in Scotland and he still has relatives there. Howard and Bob [...
Morgenthaler, David Growing up and Attending MIT
David T. Morgenthaler was born in August 1919 in Chester, South Carolina. His parents divorced when he was young, and...
DeForest, Harold Growing Up and Getting Drafted
Harold DeForest was born in March 1924 in Saint Catherine's, Canada. His mother brought him to the United States when...
LeBlanc, Dale Growing Up and Joining the Marines
Dale LeBlanc was born in Lafayette, Louisiana and grew up like most every other American boy during the depression....
Gomez, Hewitt Growing Up During the Depression
Hewitt Brian Gomez was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in January 1925 with two brothers and two sisters. During the...
Flanagan, Earl Growing Up During the Great Depression
Earl Flanagan was born in Harvey, Illinois in December 1924. He grew up with three older sisters and a large extended...
Harned, Harley Growing Up during the Great Depression
Harley Harned was born in October 1924 on his grandfather’s farm in Troy Township, Michigan. His father was a streetcar...
Vargas, Jay Growing up during World War 2
Jay R. Vargas was born in July 1938 in Winslow, Arizona. His parents were immigrants who met on the boat on their way...
Jones, Robert Growing Up in a Candy Store to Joining the Coast Guard
Robert Francis Jones was born in 1921 in Philadelphia [Annotator’s Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]. His neighbors...
Bowron, Robert Growing up in Alabama
Robert “Bob” Bowron was born in Birmingham [Annotator’s Note: Birmingham, Alabama] in January 1927. He recalled when...
Ritter, Louise Growing up in Arkansas
Louise Post Ritter was born in Corfu, Washington in July 1921. She grew up in Altus, Arkansas in a family of eight...
Belliard, Diana Growing Up in Berlin
For Diana Belliard, life in Berlin, Germany was wonderful. It was an easy life for a child. She was home schooled and...
Beamish, William Growing up in Boston
William S. “Bill” Beamish was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1923 and grew up in nearby Wellesley Hills. His father,...
Schulman, Shirley Growing up in Brooklyn
Shirley Sandy Schulman was born in September 1922 in Manhattan, New York [Annotator's Note: Manhattan is one of the...
Tarrant, Eugene Growing Up in Dallas
Eugene Tarrant was born in Ennis, Texas. When he was three, his family moved to Dallas. His mother and father figured...
Haffner, Robert Growing up in Detroit during the Great Depression
Robert Haffner was born in November 1924 on the eastern side of Detroit, Michigan. Haffner remembers growing up in a...
Morrison, Leila Growing Up in Georgia
Leila Morrison was born in July 1922 in Blue Ridge, Georgia. She had a very happy childhood. Her father was a merchant...
Howard, Taylor Growing up in Gulfport
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee speaks very slowly throughout this segment.] Taylor Howard was born in October 1918 in...
Weatherwax, Clarence "Uncle Herb" Growing Up In Hawaii
Herbert Weatherwax [Annotator's Note: Mr. Weatherwax's name is actually Clarence Herbert Weatherwax] was born in...
Minehira, Helene Growing up in Hawaii
[Annotator's Note: Video is black until 00:01:06.000 and begins with Helene Minehira midsentence.] Minehira was born in...
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