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David, James Food and Postwar Career
James Warren David remarked how he missed eating fresh eggs, roast beef, gravy, seafood, and cous-cous, and other Cajun...
Sharp, Chester Food Missions and War's End
[Annotator's Note: There is a sound of a clock ticking in the background]. Chester Sharp and his crew dropped food...
Wilson, James Food, History, and Race Relations
There were different concoctions in the C-rations [Annotator's Note: prepared and canned wet combat food] and K-rations...
Soskin, Betty For Her Great-grandmother
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer asks Betty Soskin how she feels about accepting the Silver Service Medallion at The...
Taffel, Nathan Forced Labor
Nathan Taffel and other Jews were forced by the Germans to build roads in Poland. At times, his life was threatened....
LaPorta, Edward Forced March From Stalag III-B to Stalag II-B and Liberation
One morning a German officer who spoke English entered the room [Annotator's Note: in their barracks at Stalag III-B in...
Frydman, Louis Forced March to Dachau
Louis Frydman and the inmates of the Kochendorf concentration camp were forced marched to avoid discovery by the...
Osborne, Loraine Ford Motor Company
Loraine Osborne was 16 years old when she moved. [Annotator’s Note: Osborne moved to Detroit, Michigan]. She worked at...
Nyman, Geraldine "Geri" Formation of the WASPs, Disbanding the WASPs and Family
Geraldine Nyman thought that Cochran [Annotator's Note: Jacqueline Cochran] was independent. Nancy Love had started the...
Van Huylenbrouck, Omer Forming a Crew
Omer Van Huylenbrouck was assigned to a crew [Annotator's Note: Van Huylenbrouck indicates to the interviewer he has a...
Geary, Joseph Forming A Crew
[Annotator's Note: Joseph Geary finished navigation school and was assigned to a crew at Davis-Monthan Field, now Davis...
Synder, Harold Forming a Crew
Harold Daniel Snyder was assigned to one of the veteran gunners for training. After that gunner shipped back out,...
Edwards, Marvin Forming a Crew and Overseas Deployment
Marvin Raymond Edwards had all kinds in his crew. One was from New Mexico, several from the Midwest, one from Texas,...
Kneflin, Charles Forming the 29th Bombardment Group
[Annotator's Note: Charles Kneflin was sent to Camp Shelby, Mississippi for combat engineer training, which he did not...
Luce, Dwain Forming the 82nd Airborne Division
[Annotator's Note: Dwain Luce was commissioned in the Army and completed his active-duty requirement in 1938.] Luce was...
Rinas, Bruno Formosa
In Formosa [Annotator's Note: present day Taiwan], Bruno S. Rinas worked in the sugar cane fields. He carried "honey...
Hall, William Fortunes of War
William Hall had bad things happen to him but he never turned religious until he was in Vietnam. At that point in his...
Lovell, James Foundations for a Career with NASA
James Lovell had a girlfriend of seven years, whom he married just hours after graduating from Annapolis [Annotator's...
Lichtenfeld, Seymour France and Belgium
Seymour "Sy" Lichtenfeld had a horrible experience in the English Channel. He, along with many other troops, got very...
Prestridge, Hillman France and Returning Home
Hillman James Prestridge was serving in a field artillery unit [Annotator's Note: when he landed with the first wave at...
Aleksandrowicz, Frank France to Belgium
Frank Aleksandrowicz remembers that they moved from France to Belgium for the Battle of the Bulge [Annotator's Note:...
Tyler, Vernon France to Germany
Vernon Leo Tyler [Annotator's Note: in the 100th Infantry Division] had to climb ropes to get on the troopships. He...
Cohn, Marthe François de La Rocque, Marshal Pétain, and Kristallnacht
Marthe Cohn was a Jewish citizen of Metz, France. French Colonel La Rocque [Annotator's Note: François de La Rocque;...
Dyson, Freeman Frank Thompson
Freeman Dyson attended school with Frank Thompson and admired him greatly. He was an older boy with a grand sense of...
Metcalf, James Franklin Attacked by Enemy
James W. Metcalf was assigned as a turret gunner with the Torpedo Squadron 13 (VT-13) on the USS Franklin (CV-13). On...
Reissig, Floyd J. Free Time
When he had free time, Floyd James Reissig would chip paint and paint the ship. When he was on an island, the crew...
Dahme, Maud Freedom and Chocolate
[Annotator's Note: Maud Dahme and her sister were hiding from the Nazis with a Christian family in Elburg, Netherlands...
Linquata, Michael Freedom and Postwar Life
Michael Linquata and his friend Ray Miller were taken to an airport in Germany after their liberation. They were...
Mugliston, Gwendolyn Freedom and Trauma
Gwendolyn Mugliston and her family were liberated from the Los Baños Internment Camp and taken to Bilibid Prison for...
Chandler, Howard Freedom in England
Howard Chandler discovered from others who had tried to return to Poland that it was dangerous and possibly deadly to...
Shapiro, Lester Frenchy the Cajun
Lester Shapiro's experience before getting to Burma [Annotator's Note: present day Myanmar], was guarding some oil...
Imahara, Walter Fresno Assembly Center
Walter Imahara was four years old when he went into the camp. They were first sent to an assembly center in Fresno...
Billingsley, James Friendly Fire and Decorated by General Stilwell
[Annotator's Note: This clip starts with James Billingsley midsentence in a new story.] Billingsley says that after the...
Flores, Belisario Friends and Classmates
Ever since Belisario de Jesus "Bel" Flores was 12 years old, he was aware of the conflict [Annotator's Note: in Europe...
Tindal, Sullivan Friends and Invasion
Sullivan Tindal developed a relationship with a family that hosted him while in boot camp in the South [Annotator's...
Arst, Paul Friends and Reflections
Paul Arst adjusted well to civilian life. He met his wife in 1958 while he was attending a meeting in Alabama. A friend...
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