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Kibort, Reva Transition to American LIfe
Reva Kibort arrived at a large orphanage which housed about 200 children of multiple faiths. She arrived at Marks...
Spaulding, Arthur Transition to Civilian Life
Adjusting to civilian life was not easy for Arthur Spaulding, but there were so many others in the same situation. They...
Emerson, Alonzo Transition Training, Overseas Deployment and Life on Base
Having completed multi-engined flight training as an Army Air Force pilot, Alonzo Emerson reported to Greenville, South...
Altmann, Judith Transport from the Mátészalka Ghetto to Auschwitz
While Judith Altmann was in Mateszalka, Hungary, young people like herself were cleaning the ghetto, minding small...
Warne, Therese Transport to Manila
Therese Wadsworth Warne [Annotator's Note: was an American child prisoner in the Philippines during World War 2] and...
Weissberger, Ela Transport to Theresienstadt
Before being taken to Theresienstadt, Ela Weissberger was in quarantine at the Prague-Bubny train station, now the...
Nossbaum, Anneliese Transported from Bonn
Annaliese Nossbaum was moved into a former nun’s cloister in Bonn, Germany when she was 12 years old. The Jews in Bonn...
Samet, Judah Transported to Bergen-Belsen
Judah Samet was sent to a large lumber yard [Annotator's Note: The first attempted deportation from Debrecen, Hungary...
Pizzolongo, Paul Treating All Wounded Men
Paul Pizzolongo was a medic in the medical detachment of Battery B, 991st Field Artillery Battalion, 258th Field...
Morrison, Leila Treating Patients in the Field
Leila Morrison still sees the faces of some of her patients [Annotator's Note: while working as a nurse in the 118th...
Lotter, Jean Treating the Wounded
After Jean Lotter finished her WAC [Annotator's Note: Women's Army Corps; women's branch of the United States Army,...
Schweitzer, Philip Treating Wounded and Draft Boards
While Philip Schweitzer's unit [Annotator's Note: the 11th Airborne Division] was trapped on the ridge on Leyte, they...
Hagans, Benjamin Treatment after Liberation
When Benjamin Hagans was on the ship coming back, his teeth started to settle. He put on 17 pounds in three weeks. He...
Komito, Joseph Treatment by the Germans
Joseph Komito knew most of the people working in his first camp in Mielec [Annotator's Note: his hometown of Mielec,...
Grahlfs, F. Treatment for Radiation Sickness
Besides the atomic tests, F. Lincoln Grahlfs found other work to do while at Bikini Atoll [Annotator's Note: Bikini...
Reynolds, Florence G. Treatment of WASPs
Florence Reynolds finished training on 6 June 1944. Afterwards, she was stationed in California. She was allowed to...
Szafran, Daniel Tricking the Border Guards
Daniel Szafran and his family were living in Stryków, Poland when the war with Germany broke out. His brother was a...
Brown, Robert Trinity Test Success
Leading up to the test [Annotator's Note: Trinity test, code name for the first detonation of a nuclear device, 16 July...
Murphy, Alfred Trips to London and Brother's Story
Alfred Pierse Murphy would be briefed on missions [Annotator's Note: the missions he flew with the 322nd Bombardment...
Payne, Robert Trouble with Horses
Robert Payne was in Pittsburg, Kansas in 1944 in flight training. It was a small town. What they were doing was well...
Nolan, Warren Tulane, ROTC and the V-12 Program
Warren Nolan had an older brother who was kind of the pioneer of the family. The family is Catholic, so the brother...
Hirabayashi, Grant Tule Lake Internment Camp
[Annotator's Note: Grant Jiro Hirabayashi was selected to attend the Military Intelligence Service Language School at...
Stern, Guy Turned Away then Drafted
Guy Stern had come to Saint Louis, Missouri in 1937 when he was 15 years old to escape Nazi Germany. He tried, but...
Duncan, Reginald Twice Wounded and Performance of Troops
Reginald Duncan was wounded twice during his time in Europe but refused to receive the Purple Heart [Annotator's Note:...
Harris, Rufus Typhoon and Atomic Bomb
The biggest problem on Rufus Harris' ship [Annotator's Note: the USS Miami (CL-89)] was a typhoon [Annotator's Note:...
Scherer, Monroe Typhoon Louise
[Annotator's Note: Monroe Scherer was sent to Okinawa, Japan in July 1945.] There was a sign posted saying that they...
Fitzmorris, James U-boats and V-E Day
James Fitzsmorris heard about German u-boat [Annotator's Note: submarine] attacks in the Gulf of Mexico but never knew...
Marcus, Bernard U2 Project Manager
Bernard Marcus drove to Pasadena to meet with a gentleman [Annotator’s Note: William Clyde "Bill" McFadden an executive...
Bath, Garland Ulithi Atoll
They [Annotator's Note: the Army] lost a gun battalion on 7 August [Annotator's Note: 7 August 1944]. Garland Bath, 11...
Lazarus, Rachel Unaware of Danger
During World War 2, Rachel Lazarus and her mother were in a concentration camp together. Because she was so young; camp...
Harper, Douglas Under Attack
Douglas Harper stayed at the receiving station for six weeks then moved to target repair at Bishop's Point, working on...
Schmittgens, Leo Under Fire on Okinawa
Leo William Schmittgens went on patrols and his Lieutenant, Jaffe [Annotator's Note: US Marine Corps First Lieutenant...
Stewart, Frank Understanding the War from the Homefront
The newspaper was a critical source of information. Frank B. Stewart, Jr.'s parents would read it to him until he could...
Lebow, Cleatus Unions and Reunions
Cleatus Lebow believes that, although the contents of the crate they carried to was top secret, speculation among the...
Dobbs, Clarence "Jack" Unit Assignment and Overseas Deployment
After gunnery training, Clarence Lee "Jack" Dobbs was sent to a staging area in Lincoln, Nebraska, then to Harvard,...
Riddle, Clinton "Clint" United Kingdom
After combat on Saint Angelo Mountain near Naples, Italy had ceased, Clinton Riddle and Company B, 1st Battalion, 325th...
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