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Beilman, Robert Reflections on the War
World War 2 changed Robert Lewis Beilman's life because he met many people from all over the world. He was able to...
Schraub, Jesse Reflections on the War
The war changed Jesse Schraub’s life. He changed his career path from chemical engineering to accounting. He also...
Habeeb, Albert Reflections on the War
Dr. Albert Habeeb’s most memorable experience of World War 2 was traveling to different areas of the world. He...
Beal, Marion Reflections on Trailblazing
Marion Meredith Beal believes that he and his peers [Annotator's Note: Montford Point Marines] were the beginnings of...
Cauble, Raymond Reflections on War
Raymond Cauble had to leave his wife in Tampa [Annotator's Note: Tampa, Florida] when he went up to Smyrna [Annotator's...
Neste, Norman A. Reflections on Wars and Death
Norman Neste's most memorable combat experience was towards the end because they were moving so quickly. He never knew...
Van Eaton, Jack Reflectons on the War
[Annotator’s Note: There is a person off camera prompting the interviewee to answer the interviewer’s questions...
Flannigan, James Refletions
James Flannigan said the war made him older and settled him down. It made him appreciate his parents and his...
Simons, F.M. Regrets
F.M. Richard Simons only regrets losing good friends. He is an only child. His parents divorced. His mother got rid of...
Moss, Roy Rehab, War's End and Postwar
Roy Joseph Moss spent time in a rehabilitation hospital [Annotator's Note: after being wounded in March 1945]. He was...
Wombacher, Delbert Reims and Metz, France
Delbert Wombacher was in Reims [Annotator's Note: Reims, France]. A call came out from headquarters, who knew they had...
Stefaniak, Joe Rejoining His Outfit
[Annotator's Note: The interviewer tells a story about another soldier talking about hand-to-hand combat.] Joseph...
Duhon, Larris Rejoining His Regiment
Larris Duhon rejoined his regiment [Annotator’s Note: the 300th Engineer Combat Battalion] after five months in the...
Ridyard, Herbert Relatives in Great Britain
Herbert W. Ridyard turned down a leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a short period of time] to...
Dahme, Maud Relatives Sent to Sobibor
[Annotator's Note: Maud Dahme and her sister were reunited with their parents in April 1945 after hiding from the Nazis...
Gilmore, Selwyn Relatives Who Served
Selwyn Gilmore was drafted and was given a preference. He just missed being eligible for OCS [Annotator's Note: officer...
Burrell, Joseph Releasing the Hate
Sergeant Carter [Annotator's Note: UNited States Marine Corps Sergeant James "Rudy" Carter] was a stickler for the...
Hayashi, Nobuo Relections
Nobuo Hayashi came to America in 1963 for business and decided he wanted to stay in the country indefinitely. In 1966,...
Paret, Peter Relocating to America
Surrounded by books, the environment of Peter Paret's childhood amplified his aptitude for scholarship and informed his...
Kahn, Eric Relocation to Terezin
Until 1945, Eric Kahn's family stayed together in Wiesbaden, Germany, often taking refuge in cellars during air raids....
Williams, Earl Remaining Career, Civilian life and Pearl Harbor Reflections
Earl Williams returned from overseas where he had been in charge of aircraft disposition for the Pacific area. Assigned...
Yost, Victor Remaining Service and Reflections
After the Battle of Midway [Annotator's Note: Midway Atoll; 4 to 7 June 1942], Victor Yost was brought back to Pearl...
Lewis, Donald Remembering Being Torpedoed
As an adult decades later, there was a disaster in the Atlantic with the Andrea Doria [Annotator's Note: the SS Andrea...
Surratt, Carey Repairing USS LST-459 and the End of the War
The LST-700 [Annotator's Note: USS LST-700] eventually made it back to the Philippines. Carey Suratt needed repair...
Imahara, Walter Reparations and Starting School
Walter Imahara's father cried when he got an apology for what had happened to him. [Annotator's Note: Imahara gets...
Grant, Olen "Reb" Repatriation
Olen Grant spent Christmas 1943 in a prison camp. For Grant, the holidays were just like any other day. Some of the...
Witmeyer, John "J.J." Replacements and Friends
Replacement troops to John Witmeyer's unit always reported to him so he generally learned the names of new recruits. In...
Twible, Harlan Reporting Aboard the USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
Only two of them were assigned to capital ships [Annotator's Note: after graduating from the US Naval Academy] and both...
Celaya, Adolfo Rescue and Recovery
Adolfo V. Celaya was taken aboard the Basset [Annotator’s Note: USS Bassett (APD-73), which rescued 154 survivors of...
Witmer, Donald Rescue, Recovery and Postwar Career
Donald Witmer didn't know what his fate would be. He thought he was drifting toward the beach, one that was held by the...
Lewis, Donald Rescued and Reunited
Donald Lewis was in the bottom of a lifeboat that was crowded [Annotator's Note: after the SS Athenia was struck by a...
Swanson, Richard Rescuing Survivors of the SS Dorchester
[Annotator's Note: Richard Swanson was assigned to the USCGC Comanche (WPG-76) on escort duty for the troop transport...
Sakato, George Rescuing the Lost Battalion and Getting the Medal of Honor
George Sakato had to go and rescue the Lost Battalion [Annotator's Note: elements of the 1st Battalion, 141st Infantry...
Raner, Norman Rescuing Wounded Men
At Alife [Annotator's Note: Alife, Italy], Norman Raner heard a chap hollering because he was hurt. A tank that Raner...
Winslow, Lawson Reserve Navy and Postwar Careers
Lawson T. Winslow, Junior really enjoyed the Navy and would have been happy if they told him he had to stay on another...
Hanning, David Reserves and Reflections
David Hanning retired after 32 years in the Army as a Lieutenant Colonel. [Annotator's Note: The interviewer pauses the...
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