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Damiano, George Rain and Foxhole Buddies
George A. Damiano recalled the weather [Annotator's Note: on Okinawa, Japan] being so wet that they had to talk their...
Geiger, Aase Rations and the King
Aase Geiger and her family were able to go to their summer home under German occupation. They had rations but since her...
Weissberger, Ela Rations in the Camp
When asked about what the prisoners in Theresienstadt had to eat, Ela Weissberger described how her mother worked for...
Bussel, Norman Rattlesden, Suffolk, England
Norman Bussel arrived in Glasgow, Scotland and were greeted by a bagpipe band. The Red Cross had coffee and donuts but...
Langsam, Dora Ravensbruck Concentration Camp and Folke Bernadotte
Dora Langsam arrived at the camp [Annotator's Note: Ravensbrück concentration camp; the largest concentration camp for...
Anthony, Ray Ray Anthony Orchestra
Ray Anthony returned to Cleveland after the war. He began to organize his own band recruiting former Navy bandmembers...
Ray, Sammy Ray’s Experience with a Court Martial
While in training at Camp Lejeune, Sammy Ray would visit his wife [Annotator's Note: Charlotte (Parr) Ray] in Norfolk...
Stratton, Donald Re-Enlisting and Reflections
Donald Stratton went to Corona, California towards the end of 1942. He was there for a couple months before he was...
Hymel, Rita Reaction to Pearl Harbor
Rita Hymel was asked to be a teacher because she lived the closest to the schoolhouse in Killona [Annotator's Note:...
Bailey, Kenneth Reaction to Pearl Harbor
Kenneth H. Bailey was 20 years old when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on...
Du Pre, Peter Reaction to Pearl Harbor
Peter Du Pre was riding in his friend's truck when he heard on the radio that the Japs [Annotator's Note: a period...
Schoonejans, Emil J. Reaction to Pearl Harbor
Emil Schoonejans was born in 1925 in West Hoboken, now Union City, New Jersey. He lived in Union City until 1942 when...
Lejeune, Lawrence Reaction to Pearl Harbor and Rationing
On 7 December 1941, Lawrence John Lejeune had just come out of a movie when he found out that the Japanese had attacked...
Clancey, Michael Readjusting to Life at Home
Michael Clancey participated in memorial services when Marines were killed [Annotator's Note: while serving in the...
Stevenson, Thomas Ready to be a Pilot
Thomas W. Stevenson, Jr. was born in 1922 in Brownsville, Texas. He grew up with one sister and two brothers. During...
Constein, Carl Ready to Join
Carl Constein was born in August 1920 in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. He grew up with an older brother and an older sister...
Ready to Join the Fight
Marvin Martin was born in South Bend, Indiana in June 1926. He served in the military during World War 2 from December...
Murman, John Ready to Join the Navy
John Edmund Murman was born in March 1926 in Brooklyn, New York as an only child. His father served in the Marines...
Dillon, Gerard Readying for the Rhine River
Gerard Dillon and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company G, 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th...
Manasse, Fred Realizing His Goal
Coming up in America, Fred Manesse said he didn't know much about the Holocaust, or that he was a victim of the war....
Kelley, Archie Reassigned to the USS Gansevoort (DD-608)
While preparing the West Virginia [Annotator's Note: the USS West Virginia (BB-48)] to go into drydock, Archie Kelley...
Danegger, Alfred Reassignment to the Air Corps
Alfred "Al" Danegger’s father was a German immigrant, and the family spoke a little German at home. Danegger had...
Jones, Robert Rebel Butch and Occupation Duty
Robert Jones' plane was named "Rebel Butch". He was dating a gal in Alabama who was nicknamed Butch. Rebel was attached...
Soong, Tsuyin Rebuilding China
Tsuyin Soong had been under Japanese occupation for eight years. The government started rebuilding. During the war, the...
Bachmann, George Recalling the War
The most memorable experience of the war for George W. Bachmann, Junior [Annotator's Note: a waist gunner in the 367th...
Nesser, William Receiving His Draft Notice
The draft board sent William Nesser a notice to report. He disregarded it, because he had his time in [Annotator's Note...
Vaughn, Odell Receiving the Silver Star Medal, Being Wounded and Going Home
Odell Vaughn was wounded while trying to remove a comrade from a minefield. He was awarded the Silver Star for his...
Soong, Tsuyin Reclaiming China
Tsuyin Soong did not encounter any Japanese soldiers until after the war ended. When he first saw them, he pitied them...
Horton, Alan Recognition and the G.I. Bill
Allen Horton was called back to Navy headquarters in New York to pick up a Silver Star. The citation was for his work...
Max, Robert Recognitions
Robert Max does not believe he suffered any lasting effects from the war in terms of shell shock, but says it has been...
Long, Thomas Recollections
Until he went into the Navy, Thomas Long had never been away from home. Traveling by coal-fired trains was...
Schwarc, Laszlo "Leslie Schwartz" Recollections
When he got word that his dear friend was in New York, Laszlo Schwarc journeyed back east to meet him and stayed with...
Wickersham, Obie Recollections
His recollections were called back to the river crossing where Obie Wickersham lost his friend. To get to the river,...
Hackler, Maurice "Hack" Recollections
Maurice Hackler eventually made it home to marry on 14 July 1945 and was later discharged from the Army Air Forces on...
Leskovic, Elvia Recollections
Elvira Maria Katarina Algermissen Leskovec believes personal integrity or an inner strength that she was brought up...
Fruge, Weldon Recollections and Postwar Life
At 90 years old, Weldon Fruge says he still has flashbacks that keep him up at night. He said he lived the war from...
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