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Lee, Arthur Postwar Life and Career
Arthur Lee returned to the United States in December 1945 by way of the Aleutians, landing at Seattle, Washington. From...
Synder, Harold Postwar Life and Career
Harold Daniel Snyder got out just before Christmas in 1945 [Annotator's Note: December 1945] and went to Paterson State...
Dearey, Bernard Postwar Life and Career
Bernard Allen Dearey got married in 1950. When the Korean War [Annotator's Note: Korean War, 25 June 1950 to 27 July...
Amsden, Ben Postwar Life and Career
Benjamin Clark Amsden [Annotator's Note: a Navy fighter pilot in World War 2] belongs to an association called the...
Pipes, Richard Postwar Life and Career
Richard Pipes said he and his family didn't learn about the Holocaust until after the war. The information came partly...
Libby, Dolores Postwar Life and Career
Dolores McInnis Libby [Annotator's Note: a riveter at Consolidated Aircraft Corporation] worked on Franklin Avenue....
Paret, Peter Postwar Life and Career
After the war, Peter Paret attended King's College in London, England for graduate studies under Dr. Michael Howard,...
Gibson, Robert "Doby" Postwar Life and Career
When Robert W. "Doby" Gibson got out of the service in 1946, he reenlisted for three more years. He was not sent to the...
Caplan, Lester Postwar Life and Career
After being separated from the Army at Fort Meade, Maryland on 6 March 1946, Lester Caplan used the G.I. Bill to...
Theodore, Theodore Postwar Life and Career
After returning to California, Theodore Theodore was sent to Denver, Colorado for two months where he had the job of...
Nussenbaum, Seymour Postwar Life and Career
[Annotator's Note: There is a loud hissing noise throughout this clip.] Seymour Nussenbaum got out of the service in...
Koone, Carl Postwar Life and Career
After leaving the service, Carl Koone went home to visit his family, and "fiddled around on the farm" with his father....
Lehker, Roland Postwar Life and Career
Roland Lehker discharged from the Marine Corp at Corpus Christie at the end of World War 2. Lehker reflected on the...
Frothingham, Richard Postwar Life and Career
Because Richard Frothingham didn't get along with his stepmother, he had some problems returning to civilian life, but...
Raby, Glynn Postwar Life and Career
When Glynn G. Raby, Jr. came home, he could not enjoy his 30-day leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a...
Klimas, Irvin Postwar Life and Career
Irvin C. Klimas' interest was in college, and he applied to a few colleges. He was accepted at Carnegie Tech [Annotator...
Hanson, Wilfred Postwar Life and Career
Wilfred Hanson [Annotator's Note: with Company K, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division] was sent...
Eshelman, Raymond Postwar Life and Career
Ray Eshelman was never interested in a military career. He had a couple of choices at discharge. He could join the...
Horne, Floyd "Bud" Postwar Life and Careers
After the war, Floyd Horne got into investigations. This was in 1946. He got out of the service as a First Lieutenant....
Slack, Otis Postwar Life and Closing Thoughts
Otis Arthur Slack took pilot training using the G.I. Bill [Annotator's Note: the G.I. Bill, or Servicemen's...
Wise, Curtis Postwar Life and Closing Thoughts
Curtis Winfred Wise had no trouble adjusting to civilian life. He did not use the G.I. Bill [Annotator's Note: the G.I...
Roed, Harold Postwar Life and Education
Harold Roed [Annotator's Note: with the 82nd Airborne Division after the war ended] returned to Fort Bragg [Annotator's...
Armentaro, Louis Postwar Life and Family
When Louis J. Armentaro got back home, he was successful as a machinist. He started two businesses. He also started a...
Burgin, Romus "R.V." Postwar Life and Family
Romus Valtin Burgin worked with a contact officer from the VA [Annotator's Note: Veterans Administration] named Frank...
McKay, Edgar Postwar Life and Final Thoughts
Allen, James Postwar Life and Finding the Wahoo
After the war, James Allen lost contact with many of his friends from the war. He was busy with college and did not...
Thomason, David Postwar Life and Gratitude
David Thomason used the G.I. Bill in 1950 after having just gotten married. He went back to farming several acres of...
DeForest, Harold Postwar Life and Helping Veterans
After leaving the service, Harold DeForest wanted to go to the Chrysler Institute to study engineering but he had to go...
Abbenhaus, Gerald Postwar Life and Hermann Göring's Boots
In August 1946, Gerald Abbenhaus separated from the U.S. Army at Fort Sheridan, Illinois as a first lieutenant. He...
Dendy, Lloyd Postwar Life and Marriage
Lloyd Dendy returned to his family in Anse La Butte [Annotator's Note: Anse La Butte, Louisiana]. There is a salt mine...
Baughman, Harry Postwar Life and Military Decorations
Harry Boughman's division [Annotator's Note: 88th Infantry Division] was about eight miles south of Bologna, Italy,...
Barnes, Alton Postwar Life and Military Service
Alton Barnes spent about three months in Japan performing occupation duty following World War 2. His main function was...
Aldouby, Sara Postwar Life and Military Service
After being liberated from the concentration camps, Sara Aldouby's father wanted to go to Israel while her mother...
Crosby, Thomas Postwar Life and Naval Service
In 1953 Thomas Crosby enlisted in the Navy. He was competing as a diver for the University of Hawaii and attending...
Koukos, Harry Postwar Life and Observations
Harry Koukos went home to Danbury, Connecticut and became a member of the 52-20 Club [Annotator's Note: unemployment...
McClure, Herb Postwar Life and Recollections
Herb McClure took a Liberty Ship from LeHavre, France to New York then went to Fort Leavenworth where he was discharged...
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