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Jackson, Donald Segment 2
They moved to Palermo. They did some road work there and tried to catch up with the infantry.Fortunately, they were not...
Schmedemann, Keith Segment 2
They left Fort Dix in October 1943. They sent their families home.They went to Europe on a liberty ship. The whole...
Ward, Harold Segment 2
[Annotators Note: Harold Ward served in the navy as a mess attendant aboard the heavy cruiser USS San Francisco (CA-38...
Bollinger, Ardell Segment 2
Ardel Bollinger did not get along with the Colonel in England. When Bollinger asked for a recommendation to join the...
Baum, Abraham "Abe" Segment 2
Baum recalls that Jewish men did not receive the recognition that the other soldiers did. It was not as bad for the...
Wicker, Benjamin Segment 2
Another torpedo came and hit the USS California [Annotators Note: during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor]. Another...
Candelaria, Richard Segment 2
Richard Candelaria credits the 8th Air Force for never having been turned back on a mission by enemy action. Enemy...
Childers, Lloyd Segment 2
Childers got ten days leave and went to visit family down in Los Angeles, California.When they returned to Pearl Harbor...
Ehlers, Walter Segment 2
The 3rd Infantry Division assimilated all of its regiments into the 3rd Division's headquarters at Fort Lewis,...
Carrington, James Segment 2
[Annotator’s Note: James Carrington enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1939 and spent two years in China...
Malarkey, Donald Segment 3
Malarkey's group did not have pathfinders to identify the drop zone. Their pathfinders had gone down in the channel [...
Inouye, Daniel Segment 3
The company that Inouye served in had the highest number of casualties with 42. Even the band was cut in half. In...
Baldwin, Lewis "Jack" Segment 3
On 16 December 1944, the Germans started the biggest battle of offensive fighting in the world's history, the Battle of...
Duchossois, Richard Segment 3
Richard Duchossois and the 610th Tank Destroyer Battalion were attached to the 80th Infantry Division at the time of...
Currey, Francis S. Segment 3
Currey picks back up on his Medal of Honor action story from the point in time right after he fired on the tank with...
Vessey, John "Jack" Segment 3
John Vessey landed in Oran and went immediately to [Annotators Note: unsure of town he says], 50 miles or more out of...
Doi, Michael Segment 3
Michael Doi did not experience and maltreatment or racism even when he went to the South but his daughter did. After...
Dennis, David Segment 3
In basic training David Dennis went to school first. His basic training was the normal marching and learning their gun...
Greer, Richard Segment 3
Richard Greer served as a machinegunner in Company A, 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division. During...
Delewski, Lawrence Segment 3
Delewski took part in the Normandy operation. That was the first time the Laffey saw action. He was put in charge of...
Hawk, John Segment 3
Hawk says that the thing he wondered about the most prior to combat was what kind of officers he would have. He says...
Akins, Robert Segment 3
One night the men were on a 100 percent alert. Robert Akins was manning the 37mm antitank gun. Around two in the...
Hanna, Homer H. Segment 3
They had also attacked the smaller fields in the area [Annotator's Note: the Japanese in the Philippines in December...
Jefferson, Alexander Segment 3
Alexander Jefferson’s plane name was “Bubble Blue Subsoil” [Annotator’s Note: Jefferson became quiet and was lost in...
Carrington, James Segment 3
[Annotator’s Note: James Carrington enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1939 and spent two years in China...
Kleiss, Norman "Dusty" Segment 3
[Annotators Note: Norman J. Kleiss, known as Dusty, was a dive bomber pilot in Scouting Squadron 6 (VS-6) flying from...
Rackley, Clifford Segment 3
Each crew had a tent to themselves. In the 483rd Group [Annotators Note: Bombardment group] there were about 20 tents....
Bouck, Lyle Segment 4
Lyle Bouck did not meet many civilians in Belgium. Someone higher up had gone through the towns and villages and...
Malarkey, Donald Segment 4
There had been numerous plans for the 101st [Annotator's note: 101st Airborne Division] but none came about until the...
Inouye, Daniel Segment 4
The mountain was at the opening of a valley. It was an important valley because of troop movements and positioning. The...
Baldwin, Lewis "Jack" Segment 4
When they left St. Lo, they were in dairy and farming country. The farms were laid out in squares and there were mounds...
Stinson, Handy Segment 4
With all of the different kinds of huts that the Filipinos used they mainly used armor-piercing ammunition because...
Gravois, Francois "F.D." Segment 4
Another frightening experience Gravois had was during the Battle of the Matanikau River. For the battle they [Annotator...
Currey, Francis S. Segment 4
The GI that helped Currey with the bazooka was Adam Lucero.Currey recalled the events of the actions that lead to him...
Jackson, Donald Segment 4
In Africa they were out in the desert were the French Foreign Legion was training and were headquartered. They worked...
Bell, Bryan Segment 4
Bell and his men got up that morning and as they stood in formation outside the house, the Germans woke up and walked...
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