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Taylor, Jack War's End
Jack Taylor returned home in December [Annotator's Note: December 1944] but decided to return to combat with his former...
Ruess, Richard War's End
In early 1945, after completing missions in the Philippines, Richard R. Ruess' squadron [Annotator's Note: 4th...
Ridyard, Herbert War's End
Herbert W. Ridyard joined the 94th Division [Annotator's Note: Ridyard served on a heavy machine gun crew in Company H...
Grimes, Vernon War's End
When Vernon Grimes sent to Port Moresby, New Guinea [Annotator's Note: as part of the 64th Bombardment Squadron, 43rd...
Ward, John War's End
John F. Ward was stationed at San Angelo Airfield [Annotator's Note: San Angelo, Texas] when the war ended with Europe...
Ross, Hartsel War's End
Hartsel Ross set sail on a ship loaded with cargo that was needed in the Pacific. The ship crossed through the Panama...
Finkbeiner, Theodore War's End
Theodore Finkbeiner returned to Europe after being on leave. He carried bottles of whiskey with him to provide to his...
Feldman, Henry War's End
Henry Feldman had no problems with his feet during the cold and harsh winter [Annotator's Note: winter of 1944 to 1945...
Moxon, Milton War's End and Discharge from the Army
Milton Moxon was evacuated to a military hospital in England after being severely wounded in Germany. He remained there...
Gibson, Robert "Doby" War's End and Occupation
As the Germans were pushed farther into Germany, they put up less of a fight, according to Robert W. "Doby" Gibson. His...
Longhoffer, Garland War's End and Occupation Duty
Garland Virgil Longhoffer was at a movie when he was told the Japanese surrendered. His area did not believe the news....
Conklin, Earl War's End and Occupation Duty in China
Among his fellow officers, Earl Conklin thought there were a couple who were marvelous fellows and he has kept in touch...
Ginrich, Ralph War's End and Postwar
Ralph “Bud” Ginrich was not changed by his POW [Annotator’s Note: prisoner of war] experiences. Some Germans were...
Kight, Otis War's End and Postwar
Otis Kight was in flight school as the war was ending. He made it to Guam [Annotator's Note: Guam, Mariana Islands] as...
Gibian, Richard War's End and Reflections
Richard Gibian had R...
Russell, Patrick War's End and Returning Home
Patrick Russell remained at Okinawa until June 1945. His carrier [Annotator's Note: USS Tulagi (CVE-72)] sailed to Guam...
Dietrick, Alfred War's End and Soldier Stories
In training at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts [Annotator's Note: in Cape Cod, Massachusetts with the 141st Infantry...
Brown, Charles War's End in Europe
Charles R. Brown [Annotator's Note: with Headquarters Company, 66th Armored Infantry Battalion, 12th Armored Division]...
Frothingham, Richard War's End in Europe
Richard Frothingham's unit [Annotator's Note: 656th Field Artillery Battalion] got word that they were being...
Malec, Henry War's End, an Emergency and a German General
Henry Malec was atop a hill when the war ended. He was with several other men and Lieutenant Lewis [Annotator's Note:...
Tisdale, Olin War's End, F8F Bearcats and Magic Carpet
Olin Tisdale went back to the Pacific to help train a new fighter squadron on F8Fs [Annotator's Note: Grumann F8F...
Frydman, Louis Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Louis Frydman felt the Warsaw ghetto uprising was just a matter of choosing how to die. [Annotator's Note: Frydman...
Banyas, Martin Wartime and Stateside Incidents
Martin Banyas and his gunners did a good job as the last line of defense for the ship [Annotator's Note: USS Santa Fe (...
Rendelman, Ed Wartime Experiences
Ed Rendelman found that just surviving the war was the best experience he had in the combat. Seeing those wounded...
Derrington, Clarence "Earl" Wartime Experiences and Command Decisions
Clarence Derrington was to deploy to France [Annotator's Note: with Company E, 2nd Battalion, 310th Infantry Regiment,...
Weber, Norman Wartime Impact on Weber's Father
Norman Weber recognized changes in his father when he returned on leave [Annotator's Note: an authorized absence for a...
Wellford, Harry Wartime Incidents
Harry Walker Wellford [Annotator's Note: while serving as radar officer aboard the USS Harrison (DD-573)] remembers...
Gwin, Norris Wartime LIfe
Norris Gwin and the ground crews had to support 88 pilots and gunners for the aircraft missions. In between...
Mace, Sterling Wartime Memories
When Sterling Mace experienced a mortar barrage and machine gun fire on Okinawa, he noticed an unoccupied jeep. He took...
Pantuso, Frank War’s End and Occupation Duty in China
Frank Pantuso was relieved when President Truman [Annotator's Note: Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United...
Patti, Frank War’s End and Occupation Duty in Germany
When the Russians arrived, Frank Patti said the Americans had no orders, and just watched. He and two other G.I.s went...
Ryan, John War’s End and Occupation of Germany
[Annotator's Note: The audio level of this interview is very low.] On VE-Day [Annotator's Note: Victory in Europe Day,...
Reale, Albert Wash-Out and Reassignment
Albert Reale's Navy flight training ended after he had flown 50 hours solo, then washed out. He could have been a...
Lefever, Paul Watching Planes Return from Missions
On days that Paul Lefever didn't fly, he would watch other squadrons take off, identify planes by their numbers, and...
Carroll, Wesley Water Landing and Rescue
On 13 February 1943, they took off for a raid on Shortland Harbor [Annotator's Note: Shortland Harbor, Shortland Island...
Gorman, Ted We Just Eat, Sleep, and Work
[Annotator's Note: The video cuts in and out and is hard to hear at times. Questions and answers are often...
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