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After Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy, France on 6 June 1944], Joseph Dean Reilly...
Robert W. "Bob" O'Connor [Annotator's Note: a communications sergeant in Company E, 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute...
After landing at Le Havre [Annotator’s Note: Le Havre, France], Theodore R. Lee was shipped to an airstrip to be flown...
After basic training at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Curtis Winfred Wise went to Fort Rucker, Alabama to a new company...
Grant Jiro Hirabayashi was very confused after visiting his family in an internment camp but returned to Fort Snelling...
William Edwin Howard loved his trip overseas on a Liberty ship [Annotator's Note: a class of quickly produced cargo...
Frederick Jenkins was in damage control in the machine shop where the kamikaze [Annotator's Note: Japanese suicide...
Joseph Townsend was being trained as a radioman and radio technician. They wanted him to become an aviation technician...
Socrates Dendrinelis would always get the worst details. He was in a boxing match with some of the other guys on the...
After Iwo Jima [Annotator's Note: Battle of Iwo Jima, 19 February to 26 March 1945; Iwo Jima, Japan], Adolfo V. Celaya...
Paul Ignatius was assigned to Composite Squadron 80 (VC-80) aboard the USS Manila Bay (CVE-61) as the squadron’s...
Normand F. Gallichant was preparing to hit the beaches of Japan just before the war ended. Defenses in Japan would have...
Herbert L. Seubert [Annotator's Note: in the 1st Ferrying Group,10th Air Force] arrived in Karachi [Annotator's Note:...
Arnold Spielberg landed in Karachi [Annotator's Note: in July 1942, Karachi, India, now Karāchi, Pakistan]. He was...
Daniel Morisak moved from New Mexico [Annotator's Note: from Alamogordo, New Mexico] to Oakland, California to board a...
Sterling Cale was sent to Korea near Pusan while the rest of the transferred troops went to Sasebo, Japan. He was with...
James Britt went back to Europe after the war. He was in a field observation battalion. He gathered intelligence about...
Ralph Gay picked the Air Corps because it was easy to work. Once when flying by Shanghai [Annotator’s Note: Shanghai,...
Going on deployments after the war ended, the seas could get rough. Lawson T. Winslow, Junior's lieutenant [Annotator's...
[Annotator's Note: Charles Walker received his pilot wings on 25 June 1950, just after the Korean War started.] In...
Vernon Grimes wanted to protect his rank, so he joined the Reserves after the war and was called up for the Korean War...
Ernest Cowell took a train from Fort Mason, California [Annotator's Note: in San Francisco, California], to Fort Lewis...
Warren Sanford Moose was given orders to go overseas as a replacement laboratory dental technician. He first stopped in...
James Franklin Young and his outfit [Annotator's Note: Company H, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine...
Joseph H. Sasser Junior was riding in his friend's father's car when he heard over the car radio about the attack on...
[Annotator's Note: George Sichler was assigned to the 45th Infantry Division when it was formed.] He had been training...
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 2nd Marine Division] was with Major Jim Crowe [Annotator's Note:...
Fred Arthur Balfour went into service in 1944. He went to Electrician Mate's school in Bainbridge, New York. They...
Henry Armstrong expected to go overseas. He thought he was going to the Philippines due having trained with mules. Once...
Robert Boeke was shipped to France [Annotator's Note: with the 341st Infantry Regiment, 86th Infantry Division]. When...
[Annotator’s Note: Background noise can be heard throughout this segment.] Paul Hilton Madden Jr. was assigned to...
Roger Bertolini served in the Army as a staff sergeant in the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division...
During the overseas voyage Frank Mancuso was in charge of checking the tie downs, therefore he had privileged access to...
Richard Higgins occasionally wants to forget what he has seen. Higgins remembers being on Cape Gloucester hiding behind...
Norman Hatch [Annotator's Note: a photographer in the 5th Marine Division] stopped in Saipan [Annotator's Note: Saipan...
The war in the Pacific was still raging when Mickey Montalbano shipped out on the USS Jason (AR-8). He stopped in...
