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Rice, Darold Pre-War Life
Darold Rice was born in Flint, Michigan, in 1925. During the Great Depression, Darold’s father worked in the Chevrolet...
Tunnicliff, Ed Pre-War Life
Ed Tunnicliff was born in December 1925 in Ord, Nebraska. The Great Depression [Annotator's Note: Great Depression; a...
Smith, Samuel Preflight School
Samuel W. Smith was sent to California for preflight school. They were put on a troop train for Santa Ana, California....
Raquepau, John Preflight to the Pacific
John "Jack" Raquepau got called to go to Preflight School in early November 1942. He went to boot camp which was called...
Creek, Roy Preparation for Normandy
Roy Creek thought they were well prepared for Normandy [Annotator's Note: D-Day; the Allied invasion of Normandy,...
Williamson, Leon Preparing for Battle
Two weeks after the attack at Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December...
Gilbert, Lawrence Preparing for Combat
Lawrence Richard "Red" Gilbert was sent overseas. His passage lasted four days then he landed in Casablanca [Annotator'...
McGlaun, DeQuindre Preparing for Combat
DeQuindre McGlaun was flying B-17s [Annotator's Note: Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress heavy bomber] that did not have...
Duffy, Gowan Preparing for D-Day
Gowan Duffy was stationed in Northern Ireland [Annotator’s Note: with the 141st Field Artillery Battalion]. They...
Raaen, John Preparing for D-Day
John Raaen found England to be great duty in preparation for the invasion. It was apparent that the equipment buildup...
Curl, Robert "Bob" Preparing for D-Day
Robert Curl took part in Operation Tiger to practice landing operations at Slapton Sands in England. On the morning of...
Baumgarten, Harold Preparing for D-Day
In late April [Annotator's Note: April 1944], they [Annotator's Note: Harold Baumgarten and the rest of the 29th...
Cruise, Leslie Preparing for D-Day
[Annotator's Note: The video is out of focus and Leslie Cruise continuously refers to a book that he has off camera.]...
Erion, Earl Preparing for D-Day
Earl James Erion grew up in Waubun, Minnesota. He was a high school student and young farm boy before he went into the...
Schultz, Philip Preparing for D-Day
Philip Schultz went through basic training like any other new recruit. Subsequently, he sailed to England and was there...
Blakey, Thomas Preparing for D-Day
[Annotator's Note: An interviewer asks Thomas J. Blakey to tell him what it was like a few days before D-Day; the...
Smith, William S. Preparing for D-day
William C. Smith, Junior [Annotator's Note: with the 1st Infantry Division] looked at a close-up of the barbed wire [...
Ollar, Vernon Preparing for D-Day
[Annotator’s Note: Interviewee speaks slowly and pauses several times throughout segment.] Vernon Ollar was assigned to...
Schafer, Leon Preparing for Invading Europe
[Annotator's Note: Leon Schafer was taking part in Operation Tiger, or Exercise Tiger, April 1944, preparing for the D-...
Goss, Samuel "S. Richard Goss" Preparing for Iwo Jima
Samuel Goss sailed [Annotator's Note: aboard USS Bladen (APA-63)] from Pearl Harbor [Annotator's Note: Pearl Harbor,...
Goodrich, James Preparing for Iwo Jima and the Death of John Basilone
In Hawaii, they [Annotator's Note: James Goodrich and the rest of the 5th Marine Division] trained for the landing on...
Hall, Clayton Preparing for Japan and Occupying China
Clayton Hall was at Camp Pendleton [Annotator's Note: Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego County, California...
Reynolds, Harley Preparing for Normandy
Harley Reynolds and his unit disembarked from Sicily near the beach where they landed. There was a convoy on the way...
LeBlanc, Dale Preparing for Okinawa
Dale LeBlanc joined his unit [Annotator's Note: 22nd Marine Regiment, 6th Marine Division] on Guadalcanal in August...
Sadler, Richard Preparing for Operation Overlord
In January 1944, Burt Richard Sadler started training in northern England. They did training in night time amphibious...
Madden, Paul Preparing for Overseas Deployment
In March 1944, Paul Hilton Madden Jr. spent several months training as an infantryman with the 95th Infantry Division...
Reitmeier, George Preparing for the Battle of the Bulge
George Reitmeier belonged to F Company, 264th Infantry Regiment, 66th Infantry Division. After completing his infantry...
Smith, Merlin Preparing for their First Combat
Merlin Smith left Oakland on a shakedown cruise on his new ship [Annotator's Note: USS Goshen (APA-108)]. Afterward,...
Gallo, Peter Preparing for War
Peter Gallo was in the construction division in the CCC [Annotator's Note: Civilian Conservation Corps] before going...
Guidone, Frank Preparing for war
[Annotators Note: Frank Guidone joined the US Marine Corps in July 1940. After boot camp he joined the 1st Raider...
Tweed, Earl Preparing in England for D-Day
Earl Tweed spent time in England before the invasion. His company [Annotator's Note: Company L, 3rd Battalion, 115th...
Evans, Donald Preparing to Invade Europe
Donald Evans got orders to ship out around June [Annotator's Note: June 1944]. He thought they [Annotator's Note: 66th...
McHardy, Arthur Preparing to Invade Japan
After being stationed in the Aleutian Islands [Annotator's Note: Alaska], Arthur McHardy was sent to Newport, Rhode...
Durio, Aristide Preparing to Invade Japan
After basic training, Aristide "A.D." Durio was sent to Fort Meade, Maryland [Annotator's Note: Fort George G. Meade in...
Stix, Charles Preparing to Invade Okinawa
[Annotator's Note: Charles Stix served in the US Marine Corps in Company D, 3rd Armored Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine...
Finklang, Frank Preparing to Ship Out and Overseas Deployment
Frank Finklang reported to Tampa [Annotator's Note: Tampa, Florida] where he was assigned to a group [Annotator's Note...
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